Now R version 4.0 compatible
Part 1 Clipping detection expanded: If any value in block more than 150 percent
dynamic range then ignore entire block.
Part 2 report now able to handle changing variable count due to missing data
Part 2 L5M5 better able to handle small qwindow intervals
Part 3 HDCZA algorithm expanded to be able to detect daysleepers
Part 3 various improvements to qc plots.
Part 5 now also stores full and cleaned output
Part 5 now better handles missing days in part 4 output.
Part 5 behavioral class SIB removed from daytime
Part 5 time series export more user-friendly.
Part 5 function code split up in 7 new functions.
Part 4 + 5 argument data_cleaning_file added.
Part 4 + 5 output variable names improved and documented in vignette
Numunpack function moved back to c++
Various updates to visualreport (plot5 function)
External function embedding feature added
We now consistently refer to ID (not id) and calendar_date, spelling was
Vignette now has documentation on sleep and time-use analysis.
You can’t perform that action at this time.