what har?
A set of self-written notes of Computer Science Concepts required at the GCE H2 Computing level, list of their question types and corresponding methods to solve them
why leh?
There are three reasons that have motivated me to create such material:
For the layman
I believe that computing is not magic, and must not seem like it is. It is an essay of instructions that explain logically how to solve a problem, often through manipulation of the data at hand and constructing a model to understand a problem. When understood clearly and rigorously, not only should the layman be able to appreciate the beauty and elegance of technology prevalent today, it provides a useful set of tools to resolve problems when navigating through everyday life.
For my understanding
Assuming that the layman has put in the necessary effort of reading, if she/he does not understand this set of notes, it must follow that I lack understanding in a certain area to explain it well enough. I hope that through formally putting my thoughts on paper, I will be able to better see how concepts are structured in Computer Science, as well as their links between one another. It must be noted that this set of notes is based off the experience of a P3 in computer science; I am no guru. Any feedback on misleading/incorrect information here on is extremely welcome and I would love to make friends through aspiring coding enthusiasts such as you whom is reading this right now.
To inspire people to be their best, even if its not about computer science at all
I believe that people are most gainfully employed when they have found something that they love to do and are good at. It took me many turns and dead-ends to have reached where I am today; I have never certainly set out in life expecting that I will end up taking the path that I am taking to reach my goals. To this, I must credit some of the most inspiring people that I have met so far, a band conductor Mr Seow Yibin and my economics tutor Mr Gilbert Lee. Even though both specialize in fields that have almost nothing to do with Computer Science, they are two hugely talented people who seem to spend every single waking hour thinking about their craft. Their passion and 'can-do' spirit in the face of adversity have inspired me to challenge myself to be my best in what I am passionate about. I hope that you as a reader will be able to sense the urgency and fire in my works and that you will be equally inspired, to go out there and be the best that you can be in your own arena. To quote author Celeste Ng, this repository is dedicated to those out on their own paths, setting little fires.
how come?
I will split the syllabus of H2 Computing up into three major concepts and writing content notes:
- Problem Solving
- Interacting with anything but Humans
- Interacting with Humans
Each of these concepts will be further broken down in ways that will make sense when read together.
After writing down my thoughts on each of these concepts, I will do previous year's JC prelim papers (Theory and Practical) and post my answers online. Again, everyone is welcome to scrutinize my code and leave feedback/make pull requests. However, even if no one leaves comments, I will be back again to mark my own code/answers after some time (not as effective as other people leaving comments though -- wink wonk) After doing these papers, I will update the content notes through learning from the mistakes that I have made, as well as coming up with a set of Exam Notes -- notes that describe some of the "street smarts" that I have picked up.
Finally I will be attempting the A-Level papers and repeat the process; this time the deliverables will be another set of Exam Notes that is specifically geared towards tackling the A-Level Exam
when ah?
I aim to finish content notes for all three concepts by the end of May.
Following that, I will attempt other schools JC papers and upload a set of Exam Notes during June to July
From August then on, I will solely focus on A-Level papers and how to best prepare oneself for the computing exam.
who sia?
Currently serving NS, retaking A-Levels this year. If you are interested to chat and exchange ideas, do hmu at @cumel.yang on instagram.