PDDGCN: A parasitic disease-drug association predictor based on multi-view fusion graph convolutional networks
Split data for cross validation and indenpendent test experiment via the script split_data.py: python split_data.py fold_number DATANAME seed_indent seed_cross
To perform cross validation for finding the optimal hyperparameters by running the script command_optimal.py (if you don't want to finetune the hyperparameters, just skip this step):
python command_optimal.py --dataName DATANAME --exp_name mid_dim/num_layer/alp_beta --seed_cross seed_cross --seed_indent seed_indent
To get the experiment results by running the script command_optimal.py
numpy 1.18.0
pandas 1.1.0
scipy 1.4.1
scikit-learn 0.22
tensorflow 1.15.0
pytorch 1.6.0
python 3.7.1
Please feel free to contact us if you need any help: [email protected]