This is a master repo for all of the data sources that we use. Each folder is for a different data source and contains an explanation of what the data source is and how it can be used, a sample of the data, and scripts to import the data into the PostgreSQL database.
- Table of Contents
- Open Data Releases
- BlipTrack Bluetooth Detectors
- Volume Data
- Vehicle Detector Station (VDS)
- Incidents
- Road Disruption Activity (RoDARS)
- CRASH - Motor Vehicle Accident Report
- Vision Zero - Google Sheets API
- Travel Times - Bluetooth contains data for all the bluetooth segments collected by the city. The travel times are 5 minute average travel times. The real-time feed is currently not operational. See the Bluetooth README for more info.
For the King St. Transit Pilot, the team has released the following datasets, which are typically a subset of larger datasets specific to the pilot:
- King St. Transit Pilot - Detailed Bluetooth Travel Time contains travel times collected during the King Street Pilot in the same format as the above data set. Data is collected on segments found in the King St. Transit Pilot – Bluetooth Travel Time Segments map layer. See the Bluetooth README for more info.
- King St. Transit Pilot – Bluetooth Travel Time Summary contains monthly averages of corridor-level travel times by time periods. See the Bluetooth README for more info.
- King St. Transit Pilot - 2015 King Street Traffic Counts contains 15 minute aggregated ATR data collected during 2015 of various locations on King Street. See the Volumes Open Data King Street Pilot section for more info.
- King St. Transit Pilot – Detailed Traffic & Pedestrian Volumes contains 15 minute aggregated TMC data collected from Miovision cameras during the King Street Pilot. The counts occurred at 31-32 locations at or around the King Street Pilot Area. See the Miovision Open Data section for more info.
- King St. Transit Pilot - Traffic & Pedestrian Volumes Summary is a monthly summary of the above data, only including peak period and east-west data. The data in this dataset goes into the King Street Pilot Dashboard. See the Miovision Open Data section for more info.
Field Name | Description | Type |
RoadName/Number | Road names or numbers | string |
tx | Date and time | datetime |
tmc | TMC Link ID | string |
spd | Link speed estimate | double |
count | Sample Size Used | int |
score | Quality Indicator | 10/20/30 |
- INRIX vehicles disproportionately include heavy vehicles.
- There's additional sampling bias in that the heavy vehicles do not reflect the general travel patterns.
- Two sections of freeway(the southernmost sections of 427 and 404) have no available data. These approaches may be imssing due to the idiosyncratic geometries of TMCs near the major freeway-to-freeway interchanges.
- In any given 15 minute interval between 5am and 10pm, 88.7% of freeway links and 48% of arterial links have observations.
Field Name | Description | Type |
TimeStamp | timestamp | datetime |
StartPointName | startpoint name of segment | string |
EndPointName | endpoint name of segment | string |
MinMeasuredTime | min waiting time of users completing the route from start to end in the timeframe timestamp-resolution to timestamp | int |
MaxMeasuredTime | max waiting time of users completing the route from start to end in the timeframe timestamp-resolution to timestamp | int |
AvgMeasuredTime | average waiting time of users completing the route from start to end in the timeframe timestamp-resolution to timestamp | int |
MedianMeasuredTime | median waiting time of users completing the route from start to end in the timeframe timestamp-resolution to timestamp | int |
SampleCount | the number of devices completing the route from start to end in the timeframe timestamp-resolution to timestamp | int |
- Interfaces for retrieving data
- Export from Bliptrack GUI at
- Display API: REST-based interface returns live data as JSON or xml in a HTTP(S) response
- WebService API: SOAP-based for programmatic access to the system.
- Functions that web service includes:
- getAvailableDisplayIds() – returns a list of available Public Displays;
- getDisplayInfo() – returns detailed information for a Public Display for a given display ID;
- getPublicDisplayData() – used to get Public Display data (current result set) for a given display ID;
- getDisplayData() – used to get Public Display data (current result set) for a given display ID (for displays with Restricted Access enabled);
- getExportableAnalyses() – returns a list of analyses, each with all required information for export;
- getExportableLiveAnalyses() – returns a list of live analyses, each with all required;
- information for export;
- getFilteredAnalyses() – returns a list of analyses matching a specified filter, each with all required information for export;
- exportDwelltimeReport() – used to export Measured Time data;
- exportLiveDwelltimeReport() – used to export Live Measured Time data;
- exportKPIReport() – used to export KPI data;
- exportQuarterlyReport() – used to export Quarterly KPI data;
- exportCounterReport() – used to export Counter Reports;
- getCurrentDwellTime() – used to get current dwell time for a live analysis;
- getCurrentDwellTimes() – used to get current dwell time for a list of live analyses in a single call;
- exportPerUserData() – used to export individual dwell time measurements for an analysis; and
- getCustomCurrentDwellTime() – used to get current dwell time for a live analysis with custom parameters.
- Location Identifier (SLSN Node ID)
- CountType
- Count interval start and end date and times
- AM Peak, PM peak, and off-peak 7:30-9:30, 10:00-12:00,13:00-15:00,16:00-18:00
- Roadway 1 and 2 names (intersectoin)
- 15 min aggregated interval time
- 15 min aggregated volume per movement (turning and approach) by:
- vehicle types
- cyclists and pedestrian counts are approach only
- No regular data load schedule.
- Data files collected by 2-3 staff members.
- Manually geo-reference volume data to an SLSN node during data import process
- Data is manually updated into FLOW.
- Counts are conducted on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and/or Thursdays during school season (September - June) for 1 to 3 consecutive days
- Strictly conforms to FLOW LOADER data file structure
- If numbers collected varies more than defined historical value threshold by 10%, the count will not be loaded.
- Volume available at both signalized and non-signalized intersections
- Each count station is given a unique identifier to avoid duplicate records
- Data will not be collected under irregular traffic conditions(construction, closure, etc), but it maybe skewed by unplanned incidents.
- Location Identifier(SLSN Link (Node?) ID)
- Count Type
- Count interval start and end date and times
- Roadway Names
- Location Description
- Direction
- Number of Lanes
- Median and Type
- Comments
- 15 min aggregated interval time
- 15 min volume
- The counts represent roadway and direction(s), not on a lane-by-lane level
- No regular data load schedule
- Manually geo-reference volume data to an SLSN node during data import process
- Strictly conforms to FLOW LOADER data file structure
- Typical ATR counts 24h * 3 days at location in either 1 or both directions
- Each PCS/ATR is given a unique identifier to avoid duplicate records
Miovision currently provides volume counts gathered by cameras installed at specific intersections. There are 32 intersections in total. Miovision then processes the video footage and provides volume counts in aggregated 1 minute bins. Data stored in 1min bin (TMC) is available in miovision_api.volumes
whereas data stored in 15min bin for TMC is available in miovision_api.volumes_15min_tmc
and data stored in 15min for ATR is available in miovision_api.volumes_15min
Field Name | Description | Type |
volume_uid | unique identifier for table | integer |
intersection_uid | unique identifier for each intersection | integer |
datetime_bin | date and time | timestamp without time zone |
classification_uid | classify types of vehicles or pedestrians or cyclists | integer |
leg | entry leg of movement | text |
movement_uid | classify how the vehicles/pedestrians/cyclists cross the intersection, eg: straight/turn left/turn right etc | integer |
volume | volume | integer |
volume_15min_tmc_uid | unique identifier to link to table miovision_api.volumes_15min_tmc |
integer |
- Data entry via Airflow that runs Miovision API daily
in the table is not in the right sequence due to different time of inserting data into table- Although Miovision API data has been avialable circa Summer'18 but the data is only more reliable May 2019 onwards?
schema currently have data from Jan 2019 onwards but data prior to May 2019 contains many invalid movements- Duplicates might also happen at the Miovision side (happened once thus far)
- Quality control activities:
- unique constraint in
volumes tables - raise a warning flag when try to insert duplicates data into the table
- unique constraint in
- Location Identifier (SLSN Link ID)
- Count Type
- Roadway Names
- Lane Number
- 15 min aggregated interval times
- 15 min aggregated volume, occupancy, and speed
- Raw 20sec interval VDS data is available on the processing server, not loaded into FLOW
- VDS device health/communication statuses are not recorded.
- Asset information managed in Excel spreadsheets
- Automated daily import but no real-time integration
- Strictly conforms to FLOW LOADER data file structure
- Quality control activities:
- data gap verification
- partial data records flagged for manual verification/correction
- Unique system (ROdb) identifier
- Location
- DTO district
- Incident start and end times
- Incident description free form
- Incident status and timestamps
- Police activities and timestamps
- RESCU operator shift information
- Manual data entry
- Location description from a dropdown list
- Manual location selection on a map based on location description
Data available in city.restrictions
Field Name | Description | Type |
id | Unique system identifier | string |
description | project description freeform (direction and number of lanes affected and reason) | string |
name | location description | string |
road | road of disruption | string |
atroad | road at cross if disruption zone is an intersection | string |
fromroad | start crossroad if disruption zone is a segment | string |
toroad | end crossroad if disruption zone is a segment | stirng |
latitude/longitude | geo-information (not always occupied) | double |
district | district of location | string(from dropdown list) |
roadclass | road types | string(from dropdown list) |
expired | event status | 0:ongoing;1:expired |
starttime | start time(may not be accurate) | timestamp |
endtime | end time(may not be accurate) | timestamp |
workperiod | Daily/Continuous/Weekdays/Weekends(not always occupied) | string |
contractor | contractor name(not always occupied) | string(from dropdown list) |
workeventtype | work event types(not always occupied) | string(from dropdown list) |
- Information is collected via applicant submission of RoDARS notification form
- Data entry into ROdb via dropdown list of values
- No system integration with special events and filming departmental systems
- Crucial elements of information are in free-form such as lane blockage/closure
- Roadway names from a dropdown list that conforms to SLSN
- Unique MVAR identifier (externally assigned by Toronto Police Service)
- Accident Date & Time
- Type of collision
- Accident location: street name(s), distance offset, municipality, county, etc.
- Description of accident and diagram
- Involved persons:
- Motorist/passenger/pedestrian/cyclist
- Person age
- Gender
- Injuries and Fatalities
- No real-time data integration
- Manual data integration with TPS and CRC via XML file exchange (not reliable or consistent)
This dataset comes from Google Sheets tracking progress on implementation of safety improvements in school zones.
Data Available in vz_safety_programs_staging.school_safety_zone_2018_raw
and vz_safety_programs_staging.school_safety_zone_2019_raw
Field Name | Description | Type |
school_name | name of school | text |
address | address of school | text |
work_order_fb | work order of flashing beacon | text |
work_order_wyss | work order of watch your speed sign | text |
locations_zone | coordinate of school | text |
final_sign_installation | final sign installation date | text |
locations_fb | location of flashing beacon | text |
locations_wyss | location of watch your speed sign | text |