Used express generator to create an application skeleton using the twig template.
Referenced: to incorporate into the structure.
Added aditional features from the above example:
-Added the ability to search either by city name or zip code using the same field.
-Added additional data coming from the API.
-Converted the unix timestamp for sunrise/sunset to human readable form.
Live Demo:
Install node.js if not currently installed:
Copy or clone the project into a folder
Go to folder and run npm install
to install dependencies
In the project folder run: npm start
Open browser and go to your localhost url on port 3000: http://localhost:3000
If there is an API key problem or you want to create your own, go to url:
and register for an account. Go the the API keys tab to create the API key. Open routes/index.js and replace the API key on line 5 with yours.