This Python package provides an interface to interact with the Brenger API, facilitating shipment operations like creating and retrieving shipments. It includes Pydantic models for data validation, a client for API communication, custom exceptions for error handling, and model validations.
- Requests library
- Pydantic library
$ poetry add brenger-python-sdk
The package consists of the following components:
BrengerAPIClient: A client class to send HTTP requests to the Brenger API.
Models: Pydantic classes used for request validation and response parsing.
Exceptions: Custom exception classes for handling API errors.
Logging: Pre-configured logging for monitoring the API interactions.
Setting Up the Client
To use the BrengerAPIClient
, instantiate it with your API key and namespace:
from brenger.client import BrengerAPIClient
client = BrengerAPIClient(api_key='your_api_key', namespace='your_namespace')
# according to docs unless specified namespace is 'v1' so we are using 'v1'
Creating a Shipment
Create a shipment by constructing a ShipmentCreateRequest object and passing it to the create_shipment method:
from brenger.models import ShipmentCreateRequest, PickupDeliveryInfo, ItemSet
shipment_data = ShipmentCreateRequest(
item_sets=[...], # List of ItemSet instances
pickup=PickupDeliveryInfo(...), # Pickup details
delivery=PickupDeliveryInfo(...), # Delivery details
shipping_date='YYYY-MM-DD' # Shipping date as a string, or date object. We will convert it to 'YYYY-MM-DD' format
shipment_response = client.create_shipment(shipment_data)
Retrieving a Shipment
Retrieve details of a specific shipment by its ID:
shipment_id = 'some_shipment_id'
shipment_details = client.get_shipment(shipment_id)
Handling Exceptions
Handle potential exceptions using the custom exception classes:
from brenger.exceptions import APIClientError, APIServerError
shipment_response = client.create_shipment(shipment_data)
except APIClientError as e:
print(f'Client error occurred: {e}')
except APIServerError as e:
print(f'Server error occurred: {e}')
Refer to the models defined in brenger.models
for constructing request payloads and understanding response data.
Ensure to write tests for your implementation, validating the behavior of the client under various scenarios.
Current tests and dummy data
can be found under tests/ folder.