This is a second iteration of the Thermograph project, that was a great try and showed solid prospectives but didn't get to any finished state, hence didn't succeed.
Thermograph - is a small battery-powered device that measures temperature over time and collects the data. It is implemented on ESP8266-based microcontroller using Arduino library.
- be an autonomous device with a small display and a couple of buttons for the interaction
- be capable of permanently storing some amount of data and allowing to visualize and explore stored data
- be capable of streaming data: Serial, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth(?)
- contain internal temperature sensor such that it can be used as is (without any extra wires)
- be capable of using extended temperature sensor (ideally thermocouple e.g. MAX31855)
- be designed to not being limited from adding extra sensor (e.g. light sensor)
ESP8266 would be a better choice (comparing to Atmega328P), because of embedded WiFi module- Final decision was on ESP8266
- The inputs are
2(or 3) tact buttons, hence interaction is quite limited, so the UI-design should correspond to properly- The ESP8266 chip deep sleep opportunity dictates on using a separate button as a on/off switch, so it's going to be on/off button + 2 additional navigation buttons
- Because of the limited storage capacity (
1KB for Atmega328P and4KB1-4MB for ESP8266 emulated in flash-> or betterusing LittleFS),the storing should be optimized for capacity (using data compression, e.g. zlib, uzlib, miniz?)- compression is not necessary but desireable
EEPROM is susceptible for number of overwrites, storing algorithm should consider it to avoid wearing of some specific memory segments (LittleFS solves this problem out of the box)- LittleFS is used
- The codebase should address the power supply is limits (e.g. using deep sleeping, when possible). Possible power supply: a couple of AA or AAA batteries
VERSION - 1 byte