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- minor fixes in error reporting
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- optimize ep term generation
- make matching filters for user-defined term generators more restrictive
- improve command line option documentation
  • Loading branch information
wies committed Dec 7, 2014
1 parent 78e7d09 commit e0fc420
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Showing 13 changed files with 134 additions and 53 deletions.
22 changes: 15 additions & 7 deletions src/formulas/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module TermMap = Map.Make(struct
type filter =
| FilterTrue
| FilterSymbolNotOccurs of symbol
| FilterTermNotOccurs of term
| FilterNameNotOccurs of string * arity
| FilterGeneric of (subst_map -> term -> bool)

(** matching guards for term generators *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,7 +294,12 @@ let extract_name smt ann =
let rec extract_src_pos = function
| SrcPos pos :: _ -> Some pos
| _ :: ann -> extract_src_pos ann
| [] -> None
| [] -> None

let rec extract_label = function
| Label lbl :: _ -> Some lbl
| _ :: ann -> extract_label ann
| [] -> None

let rec pr_form ppf = function
| Binder (b, vs, f, a) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -467,11 +472,14 @@ let rec pr_form ppf = function
and pr_annot ppf a =
let name = extract_name false a in
let pos = extract_src_pos a in
(match name, pos with
| "", None -> fprintf ppf ""
| "", Some pos -> fprintf ppf "@ /* %s */" (string_of_src_pos pos)
| n, Some pos -> fprintf ppf "@ /* %s: %s */" (string_of_src_pos pos) n
| n, None -> fprintf ppf "@ /* %s */" n)
let lbl = extract_label a in
(match name, pos, lbl with
| "", None, None -> fprintf ppf ""
| "", Some pos, None -> fprintf ppf "@ /* %s */" (string_of_src_pos pos)
| "", Some pos, Some lbl -> fprintf ppf "@ /* %s -> %s */" (string_of_ident lbl) (string_of_src_pos pos)
| n, Some pos, None -> fprintf ppf "@ /* %s: %s */" (string_of_src_pos pos) n
| n, Some pos, Some lbl -> fprintf ppf "@ /* %s -> %s: %s */" (string_of_ident lbl) (string_of_src_pos pos) n
| n, None, _ -> fprintf ppf "@ /* %s */" n)

and pr_ands ppf = function
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/formulas/
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Expand Up @@ -694,8 +694,8 @@ let subst_id subst_map f =
| FilterSymbolNotOccurs (FreeSym id) ->
(try FilterSymbolNotOccurs (FreeSym (IdMap.find id subst_map))
with Not_found -> f)
| FilterTermNotOccurs t ->
FilterTermNotOccurs (subt t)
(*| FilterTermNotOccurs t ->
FilterTermNotOccurs (subt t)*)
| _ -> f
Match (t1, f1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -757,8 +757,8 @@ let subst_consts subst_map f =
FilterSymbolNotOccurs (FreeSym id1)
| _ -> f
with Not_found -> f)
| FilterTermNotOccurs t ->
FilterTermNotOccurs (subst_consts_term subst_map t)
(*| FilterTermNotOccurs t ->
FilterTermNotOccurs (subst_consts_term subst_map t)*)
| _ -> f
sorted_fv_term_acc sign t1, Match (t1, f1) :: guards1)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/formulas/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ let mk_sep_plus ?pos a b =
| _, _ -> SepOp (SepPlus, a, b, pos)
let mk_sep_incl ?pos a b = SepOp (SepIncl, a, b, pos)
let mk_atom ?pos s args = Atom (s, args, pos)
let mk_emp = mk_atom Emp []
let mk_emp pos = mk_atom ?pos:pos Emp []
let mk_cell ?pos t = mk_atom ?pos:pos Region [GrassUtil.mk_setenum [t]]
let mk_region ?pos r = mk_atom ?pos:pos Region [r]
let mk_pred ?pos p ts = mk_atom ?pos:pos (Pred p) ts
let mk_pts ?pos f a b =
mk_sep_star ?pos:pos (mk_eq ?pos:pos (GrassUtil.mk_read f a) b) (mk_cell ?pos:pos a)
let mk_sep_star_lst ?pos:pos args = List.fold_left (mk_sep_star ?pos:pos) mk_emp args
let mk_sep_star_lst ?pos:pos args = List.fold_left (mk_sep_star ?pos:pos) (mk_emp None) args
let mk_exists ?pos vs f = Binder (Grass.Exists, vs, f, pos)
let mk_forall ?pos vs f = Binder (Grass.Forall, vs, f, pos)

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/frontends/spl/
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Expand Up @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ let convert cu =
let rec convert_expr locals = function
| Null _ -> FOL_term (GrassUtil.mk_null, LocType)
| Emp _ -> SL_form SlUtil.mk_emp
| Emp pos -> SL_form (SlUtil.mk_emp (Some pos))
| Setenum (ty, es, pos) ->
let ts, ty =
List.fold_right (fun e (ts, ty) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -980,11 +980,11 @@ let convert cu =
then FilterSymbolNotOccurs (FreeSym sym)
else FilterTrue
| flt -> flt)
| App (Read, (App (FreeSym sym, [], _) as t :: _ as ts), _) ->
| App (Read, (App (FreeSym sym, [], srt) :: _ as ts), _) ->
| FilterTrue ->
if ce_occur_below ts
then FilterTermNotOccurs t
then FilterNameNotOccurs ( sym, ([], srt))
else FilterTrue
| flt -> flt)
| _ -> function flt -> flt)
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34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions src/main/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,28 +55,28 @@ let optSelfFrame = ref false

let cmd_options =
[("-basedir", Arg.Set_string base_dir, "<string> Base directory for resolving include directives");
("-procedure", Arg.String (fun p -> procedure := Some p), "<string> Only check the specified procedure");
[("-basedir", Arg.Set_string base_dir, "<string> Base directory for resolving include directives. Default: current working directory\n\nOptions for controlling error reporting and debug output:");
("-v", Arg.Unit Debug.more_verbose, " Display more messages");
("-q", Arg.Unit Debug.less_verbose, " Display fewer messages");
("-stats", Arg.Set print_stats, " Print statistics");
("-lint", Arg.Set flycheck_mode, " Print single line error messages for on-the-fly checking");
("-model", Arg.Set_string model_file, "<file> Produce counterexample model for the first failing verification condition");
("-trace", Arg.Set_string trace_file, "<file> Produce counterexample trace for the first failing verification condition");
("-lint", Arg.Set flycheck_mode, " Print error messages for on-the-fly checking");
("-trace", Arg.Set_string trace_file, "<file> Produce counterexample trace for the first failing verification condition");
("-dumpghp", Arg.Set_int dump_ghp, "<num> Print intermediate program after specified simplification stage (num=0,1,2,3)");
("-dumpvcs", Arg.Set dump_smt_queries, " Generate SMT-LIB 2 files for all verification conditions");
("-core", Arg.Set unsat_cores, " Produce unsat cores with every unsat SMT query");
("-noverify", Arg.Clear verify, " Do not check the generated verification conditions");
("-robust", Arg.Set robust, " Continue even if some verification condition cannot be checked");
("-dumpcores", Arg.Set unsat_cores, " Produce unsat cores with every unsat SMT query\n\nOptions for controlling what is checked:");
("-procedure", Arg.String (fun p -> procedure := Some p), "<string> Only check the specified procedure");
("-noverify", Arg.Clear verify, " Only type-check the program and generate verification conditions without checking");
("-robust", Arg.Set robust, " Continue even if some verification condition cannot be checked\n\nOptions for controlling verification condition generation:");
("-types", Arg.Set keep_types, " Keep type information when translating to intermediate representation");
("-nomodifiesopt", Arg.Clear opt_field_mod, " Disable mod set analysis optimization for fields\n\nOptions for controlling the GRASS prover:");
("-noreach", Arg.Clear with_reach_axioms, " Omit axioms for reachability predicates");
("-noep", Arg.Clear with_ep, " Omit axioms for entry points");
("-noinst", Arg.Clear instantiate, " Let the SMT solver deal with the quantifiers without prior instantiation");
("-nostratify", Arg.Clear stratify, " Instantiate quantifiers that satisfy stratified sort restrictions\n\nOptions for controlling backend solver:");
("-smtsolver", Arg.Set_string smtsolver, "<solver> Choose SMT solver (z3, cvc4, cvc4mf), e.g., 'z3+cvc4mf'");
("-smtpatterns", Arg.Set smtpatterns, " Always add pattern annotations to quantifiers in SMT queries");
("-smtsets", Arg.Set use_set_theory, " Use solver's set theory to encode sets (if supported)");
("-smtarrays", Arg.Set encode_fields_as_arrays, " Use array theory of SMT solver to encode fields");
("-types", Arg.Set keep_types, " Keep type information in intermediate program");
("-noreach", Arg.Clear with_reach_axioms, " Omit axioms for reachability predicates");
("-noep", Arg.Clear with_ep, " Omit entry points");
("-noinst", Arg.Clear instantiate, " Let the SMT solver deal with the quantifiers without prior instantiation");
("-nostratify", Arg.Clear stratify, " Instantiate quantifiers that satisfy stratified sort restrictions");
("-noOptFieldMod", Arg.Clear opt_field_mod, " Disable mod set analysis optimization for fields");
("-smtarrays", Arg.Set encode_fields_as_arrays, " Use solver's array theory to encode fields\n");
(*("-optSelfFrame", Arg.Set optSelfFrame, " enable generation of self-framing clauses for SL predicates");*)
("-stats", Arg.Set print_stats, " Print statistics");
("-v", Arg.Unit Debug.more_verbose, " Display more messages");
("-q", Arg.Unit Debug.less_verbose, " Display less messages");
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ let usage_message =
" <input file> [options]\n"

let cmd_line_error msg =
Arg.usage Config.cmd_options usage_message;
Arg.usage (Arg.align Config.cmd_options) usage_message;
failwith ("Command line option error: " ^ msg)

(** Output JSON file with error trace *)
Expand Down
21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions src/prover/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -131,14 +131,19 @@ let generate_terms generators ground_terms =
| App (_, ts, _) -> List.for_all not_occurs ts
| _ -> true
in not_occurs t
| FilterTermNotOccurs t1 ->
let ts = ground_terms_term t in
let res = not (TermSet.mem t1 ts) in
if false && res then begin
print_endline ("Filtering " ^ string_of_term t ^ " for occurrence of " ^ string_of_term t1);
print_endline ("Result: " ^ string_of_bool res);
| FilterNameNotOccurs (name, (arg_srts, res_srt)) ->
let rec not_occurs = function
| App (FreeSym (name1, _), ts, res_srt1) ->
let ok =
name1 <> name ||
res_srt1 <> res_srt ||
List.fold_left2 (fun acc t1 srt -> acc || sort_of t1 <> srt) false ts arg_srts
with Invalid_argument _ -> true
in ok && List.for_all not_occurs ts
| App (_, ts, _) -> List.for_all not_occurs ts
| _ -> true
in not_occurs t
| FilterGeneric fn -> fn sm t
let rec generate new_terms old_terms = function
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/prover/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ let output_graphviz chan model terms =
let label = get_label f in
Printf.fprintf chan "\"%s\" -> \"%s\" [%s]\n"
(string_of_loc_value l) (string_of_loc_value r) label
with Undefined -> ())
with Not_found -> ())
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/prover/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ let add_set_axioms fs =
rev_concat [fs1; Axioms.set_axioms elem_srts]

(** Adds theory axioms for the entry point function to formula f.
** Assumes that f is typed and that all frame predicates have been reduced. *)
(** Adds theory axioms for the entry point function to formulas [fs].
** Assumes that all frame predicates have been reduced in formulas [fs]. *)
let add_ep_axioms fs =
let gts = ground_terms (smk_and fs) in
let flds = btwn_fields fs gts in
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/verifier/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -225,6 +225,8 @@ let elim_sl prog =
let frame_preds =
(fun var frames ->
if !Config.opt_field_mod && not (IdSet.mem var (modifies_proc prog proc))
then frames else
let old_var = oldify var in
let srt = (find_global prog var).var_sort in
mk_framecond (mk_frame init_footprint_set init_alloc_set
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions src/verifier/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,10 @@ let vcgen prog proc =
let vc_msg = (vc_msg, pp.pp_pos) in
let f =
match s.spec_form with
| FOL f -> annotate_aux_msg vc_aux_msg (unoldify_form (mk_not f))
| FOL f ->
let f1 = unoldify_form (mk_not f) in
let f2 = annotate_aux_msg vc_aux_msg f1 in
| _ -> failwith "vcgen: found SL formula that should have been desugared"
let vc_name =
Expand All @@ -263,10 +266,10 @@ let check_proc prog proc =
if errors <> [] && not !Config.robust then errors else
let vc_and_preds = add_pred_insts prog vc in
let labels, vc_and_preds = add_labels vc_and_preds in
(*IdMap.iter (fun id (pos, c) -> Printf.printf ("%s -> %s: %s\n")
(string_of_ident id) (string_of_src_pos pos) c) labels;*) (fun () -> "Checking VC: " ^ vc_name ^ ".\n");
Debug.debug (fun () -> (string_of_form vc_and_preds) ^ "\n");
(*IdMap.iter (fun id (pos, c) -> Printf.printf ("%s -> %s: %s\n")
(string_of_ident id) (string_of_src_pos pos) c) labels;*)
let sat_means =
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n\n") "\n " (ProgError.error_to_string pp vc_msg)
Expand Down
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions tests/spl/nested_sl/nested_def.spl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,13 +30,17 @@ function nlseg_outer_footprint(x: OuterNode, y: OuterNode)
function nlseg_inner_footprint(x: OuterNode, y: OuterNode)
returns (FP: Set<Loc>)
(forall z: Loc :: z in FP ==> z in InnerNode) &&
(forall z: Loc, zh: Loc :: z in FP ==>
z.head in nlseg_outer_footprint(x, y)) &&
(forall z: Loc, zh: Loc :: z in FP && zh == z.head ==>
(zh in nlseg_outer_footprint(x, y) && z in lseg_footprint(zh.down, null))
@(matching z in InnerNode yields z.head)
@(matching zh in OuterNode yields zh.down)) &&
/* z in lseg_footprint(zh.down, null) */
Btwn(inext, zh.down, z, null) && z != null && z in InnerNode
@(matching z yields z.head)
@(matching zh yields zh.down)) &&
(forall zh: Loc, z: Loc ::
zh in nlseg_outer_footprint(x, y) && z in lseg_footprint(zh.down, null) ==> z in FP)
zh in nlseg_outer_footprint(x, y) &&
/*z in lseg_footprint(zh.down, null)*/
Btwn(inext, zh.down, z, null) && z != null && z in InnerNode ==> z in FP)

predicate nlseg(x: OuterNode, y: OuterNode, FP: Set<Loc>) {
Expand Down
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions tests/spl/nested_sl/nested_def2.spl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// Structure and predicate declarations for nested lists with head pointers

struct OuterNode {
var onext: OuterNode;
var down: InnerNode;

struct InnerNode {
var inext: InnerNode;
var head: OuterNode;

function lseg_footprint(x: InnerNode, y: InnerNode)
returns (FP: Set<Loc>)
forall z: Loc :: z in FP == (Btwn(inext, x, z, y) && z != y && z in InnerNode)

predicate lseg(x: InnerNode, y: InnerNode, FP: Set<Loc>) {
Reach(inext, x, y) &&
FP == lseg_footprint(x, y)

function nlseg_outer_footprint(x: OuterNode, y: OuterNode)
returns (FP: Set<Loc>)
forall z: Loc :: z in FP == (Btwn(onext, x, z, y) && z != y && z in OuterNode)

function dinext() returns(m: Map<Loc, Loc>) {
forall x: Loc, y: Loc :: x.m == y == (x.down == y || x.inext == y)
@(matching x.down yields m[x])
@(matching x.inext yields m[x])

function nlseg_inner_footprint(x: OuterNode, y: OuterNode)
returns (FP: Set<Loc>)
(forall z: Loc, zh: Loc :: z in FP ==>
z.head in nlseg_outer_footprint(x, y)) &&
(forall z: Loc, zh: Loc :: z in FP && zh == z.head ==>
/* z in lseg_footprint(zh.down, null) */
Btwn(inext, zh.down, z, null) && z != null && z in InnerNode
@(matching z yields z.head)
@(matching zh yields zh.down)) &&
(forall zh: Loc, z: Loc ::
zh in nlseg_outer_footprint(x, y) &&
/*z in lseg_footprint(zh.down, null)*/
Btwn(inext, zh.down, z, null) && z != null && z in InnerNode ==> z in FP)

predicate nlseg(x: OuterNode, y: OuterNode, FP: Set<Loc>) {
Reach(onext, x, y) &&
(forall u: OuterNode, v: InnerNode ::
u in nlseg_outer_footprint(x, y) && v in nlseg_inner_footprint(x, y) &&
Reach(inext, u.down, v) ==> v.head == u) &&
(forall u: OuterNode :: u in nlseg_outer_footprint(x, y) ==> Reach(inext, u.down, null)) &&
FP == nlseg_outer_footprint(x, y) ++ nlseg_inner_footprint(x, y)

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