Former game project - 2D RPG written in C# using MonoGame
Latest and last videos showing most of the available features:
The development of this project has been stopped but I think that the already written code might be usefull for some others.
Map built using Tiled
Tiled implementatin with TiledSharp
Soft lightning with Penumbar
I do not claim that the code is pretty or particular "well written" since it was my first bigger project and I learned a lot during its development.
Core features:
Typical 2D RPG movement and camera settings
Basic enemy combat with resetting enemy
Buffs and debuffs
Basic dialog- and questsystem
Grid based inventory
Multi language support
Pathfinding via A* algorithm
Spine animation support
If you have any question regarding the implementation you can drop me a message on twitter (@slesinger) although I do not guarantee that I can still remember every detail ;)