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A Mod for HBS's BattleTech that makes pilots bond with their mechs

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Mech Affinity is a feature rich framework-style mod that enables a number of new mechanics to HBS' 2018 BATTLETECH pc game.

High Level Feature Set (all can be enabled or disabled as needed):

  • Pilots can gain experience with certain mechs the more they pilot them, resulting in various bonuses
  • Pilots can have quirks, bonuses and/or malus' that results from their varied natured.
  • Certain pilots can be made more distinguished from other pilots in the same manner that Ronin or KS Backers are
  • Adjustments to Stability damage taken based on a pilot's piloting skill and quirks
  • Reset Morale on a monthly basis
  • Allow for new careers to pick guaranteed Ronin and/or random Ronin pilots
  • New Combat Effects
  • Have Requirements/Anti-Requirements for Ronin

As a framework-style mod, MechAffinity is highly configurable and is primarily designed to be integrated into modpacks like BattleTech Advanced 3062 (BTA), RogueTech (RT) or BattleTech Extended Commander's Edition (BEX/BEX:CE) and is a core piece of all of them. This documentation is therefore aimed at modpack creator's who already have a decent understanding of various concepts like status effects, creating JSON files and tinkering with settings. However, MechAffinity is fully capable of being used stand-alone

Available Editions

MechAffinity currently ships with 3 different versions of its DLL


This version of the DLL has no dependencies and can be used stand-alone. AssemblyVariant mode for Chassis/Tag affinities fallback to using the prefab mode. Vehicles cannot be given affinities

CustomSalvage/CustomComponents support

This version of the DLL requires the CustomSalvage & CustomComponents mods, but enables the AssemblyVariant mode for Chassis/Tag affinities

LewdableTanks support

This version the DLL requires the CustomSalvage, CustomComponents & LewdableTanks mods, but enables the AssemblyVariant mode for Chassis/Tag affinities and support for vehicles to be given affinities

Settings Json


  "version": 2,
  "debug": false,
  "enablePilotAffinity": true,
  "enablePilotSelect": false,
  "enablePilotQuirks": false,
  "enableMonthlyMoraleReset": false,
  "enableStablePiloting": false,
  "enableMonthlyTechAdjustments": false,
  "enablePilotManagement": false,
  "affinitySettings": {},
  "quirkSettings": {},
  "stablePilotingSettings": {},
  "pilotUiSettings": {},
  "monthlyTechSettings": {},
  "pilotManagementSettings": {},
  "legacyData": {}
  • version: used to determine if this settings file is compatible with the build, always set to 2
  • debug : when true enable debug logging
  • enablePilotAffinity : When true, Pilots will build affinity with a mech each time they use that chassis, with enough affinity they will get affinity Defs applied to earn bonuses on deployments
  • enablePilotQuirks : when true, pilot quirk feaures will be enabled Warning: This will conflict with Pilot Quirks mod
  • enablePilotSelect : when true allow set or random ronin to be part of the initial career start pilot roster. you must setup Pilot Select Settings in pilotselectsettings.json for this to work
  • enableMonthlyMoraleReset: when true morale will be reset on the start of each month and then recalculated based on argo upgrades and pilot quirks
  • enableMonthlyTechAdjustments: when true the argo funding levels will also incorporate mech/medtech buffs/maluses as part of their funding level features
  • enableStablePiloting: when true enables 'Stable Piloting' features
  • enablePilotManagement: when true enables pilot management features features
  • affinitySettings : an Affinity Settings Object, this controls all settings for Affinity features
  • quirkSettings : a Pilot Quirk Settings Object, this controls all settings for Pilot Quirks features
  • stablePilotingSettings : a Stable Piloting Settings object for controlling Stable Piloting features
  • pilotUiSettings: a Pilot UI Settings Object, this controls all settings and configuration for Pilot UI features
  • monthlyTechSettings: a Monthly Tech Adjust Settings Object, this controls all settings for the Monthly Tech Adjust features
  • pilotManagementSettings: a Pilot Management Settings Object, this controls all settings for Pilot Management features
  • legacyData : a Legacy Data Settings object, controls various options for outputting legacy versions of the settings file for compatibility with some third party tools

Mech-Pilot Affinity

Affinity is a representation of a pilot's familiarity with a given mech chassis. As a pilot gets to know that mech better, they learn its quirks and how to squeeze some extra power out of it, however this experience may not translate to another class of chassis, so for example a pilot who has spent years piloting a ShadowHawk, may fair poorly in a Vindicator.

Each deployment with a mech increases a pilot's affinity for that chassis by a single point, upon reaching enough deployments they will start to be granted 'affinities' until they have obtained all that can be obtained with that unit. Affinities can come in the form of Buffs or Malus depending on the setup.

Depending on the setup of the below settings, affinities may decay over time as a way to represent a pilot losing familiarity with that unit until it reaches a defined minimum threshold or is forgotten entirely. These thresholds can be setup to always come from the settings file or can be tracked by stats that in-game events or argo upgrades may modify as required.

Note: Pilots will receive ALL affinities that they qualify for, not just the highest available to them

Affinity Settings

These settings only apply when enablePilotAffinity is true

  "missionsBeforeDecay": -1,
  "lowestPossibleDecay": 0,
  "removeAffinityAfter": 100,
  "maxAffinityPoints": 1000,
  "decayByModulo": false,
  "debugForceTag": "",
  "defaultDaysBeforeSimDecay": -1,
  "showDescriptionsOnChassis": false,
  "trackSimDecayByStat": true,
  "trackLowestDecayByStat": false,
  "showAllPilotAffinities": true,
  "topAffinitiesInTooltipCount": 3,
  "showQuirks": false,
  "treatDefaultsAsFixed" : false,
  "affinityGroups": [],
  "prefabOverrides": []
  • missionsBeforeDecay : the number of deployments a pilot can not use a chassis before their experience on that chassis begins to be lost, set to -1 to disable
  • removeAffinityAfter : the number of deployments a pilot can not use a chassis before all experience on that chassis is lost, this is used to clean up save data tracking, set to -1 to disable
  • lowestPossibleDecay : the lowest amount of a pilots experience with a chassis can decay to removeAffinityAfter overrides this value. this is counted in deployements when trackLowestDecayByStat is false the number in this settings will always be used.
  • if trackLowestDecayByStat is true this number becomes part of the save and cannot be changed from settings later. events or argo upgrades can manipulate this value by changing the company stat MaLowestDecay
  • maxAffinityPoints : the max amount of affinity that can be obtained for a unit once a pilot reaches this number with a chassis, further points will not be obtained
  • decayByModulo : when set to true, decay is changed to 1 point for every missionsBeforeDecay instead of 1 point for every mission after missionsBeforeDecay missions
  • debugForceTag : force affinity to process pilots as if they had this tag, for debugging use only
  • defaultDaysBeforeSimDecay : the default number of days that can elapse before a pilot's affinities begin to decay. when trackSimDecayByStat is true this number becomes part of the save and cannot be changed from settings later. events or argo upgrades can manipulate this value by changing the company stat MaSimDaysDecayModulator. setting this stat to -1 will stop decay from occuring when a day passes. deploying a pilot into a mission will reset that pilots counter. when trackSimDecayByStat is false this setting value will always be used
  • topAffinitiesInTooltipCount : the number of mechs to show affinity about in the pilot tooltip, if the pilot has affinities with more mechs than this, mechs with the fewest affinities will be dropped from display
  • showQuirks : when true, quirk affinities that are assiocated with a mech will be shown in the mechbay description of the mech in addition to any chassis specific affinities
  • showDescriptionsOnChassis : when true, affinitys will be shown for chassis in the on hover chassis description in the mechbay storage screen
  • showAllPilotAffinities : when true, the pilot dossier will show every affinity the pilot has with every chassis, when false only the highest level affininty will be show for a given chassis
  • affinityGroups : a list of AffinityGroup objects. These allow you to treat a group of prefabs/assembly IDs as a single ID
  • prefabOverrides: a list of PrefabOveride objects. These allow you to correct UI display issues caused by some of the game's "Dummy Units"
  • treatDefaultsAsFixed : when true, mech defaults (like FCS, sensors, etc...) will be treated as fixed equipment for the purposes of quirk affinities. This setting can only be used with CustomComponents support enabled

AffinityGroup objects

affinity groups allow you to re-map prefab ids to be treated as one specific ID

  "affinityId" : "",
  "assemblyGroup" : []
  • affinityId : the ID you want the mentioned IDs to be mapped to. this is the ID you should use in affinities you want to assign
  • assemblyGroup : the prefab/assemblyvariants you want to be remapped to the affinityId

PrefabOveride objects

Prefab overrides allow you to correct some UI display issues that may occur with affinities showing the wrong Mech name. the principle cause for this in vanilla is a few 'Dummy Mechs' within the game files used for the campaign tutorial

  "prefabId" : "",
  "overrideName" : ""
  • prefabId : the prefab ID that is causing an issue
  • overrideName : the name to display in the UI instead of the auto-detected name

AffinityDef Objects

Affinity Definitions (AffinityDefs) are JSON files loaded into the via ModTek's custom resource (Manifest entry of: AffinityDef)

these definitions are matched to the appropriate pilots on deployment of a mission.

  "id": "",
  "affinityType": "Global",
  "affinityData": {}
  • id: The affinity ID, this must be unique and must match the file name of the affinityDef (minus the .json file extension)
  • affinityType: The type of affinity this definition is for. Valid values are:
    • Global: Affinities of this class are available on all chassis's (Note: experience on one chassis does not transfer to another)
    • Chassis: Affinities of this class are available only the chassis's named by the affinity
    • Tag: Similar to Chassis affinities, but also requires the pilot to have a matching tag named by the affinity. This could be used to grant special affinities to pilots of a certain descent on chassis's of their homelands for example.
    • Quirk: Affinities of this class are available only to chassis that mount the equipment/weapon named in the affinity as fixed equipment (equipment that cannot be removed from that mech)
  • affinityData A JSON object that represents the affinity, the exact schema of this will vary depending on the affinityType. see below for their definitions and schemas

GlobalAffinity objects

global Affinity Objects are simply AffinityLevel objects, see their schema for how to layout a global affinity

Example Global Affinity AffinityDef

  "id": "AffinityDef_global_Veteran",
  "affinityType": "Global",
  "affinityData": {
    "missionsRequired": 10,
    "levelName": "Veteran",
    "decription": "+1 Guts Boost",
    "affinities": [
        "type": "Guts",
        "bonus": 1
    "effectData": []

ChassisAffinity objects

  "chassisNames" : [],
  "affinityLevels" : [],
  "idType" : "AssemblyVariant",
  "altMaps": []
  • chassisNames : a list of chassis this affinity is available to.
  • affinityLevels : a list of affinityLevel objects to be considered for this affinity
  • idType : This value defines how the values in chassisNames are interpreted Valid values:
    • ChassisId: The Chassis ID of the mech (from its chassisdef file).
    • AssemblyVariant: (the default), only useful when paired with the CustomSalvage mod. This uses CS's AssemblyVarient to pair mechs to this, if CS is not available, this falls back to the PrefabId method
    • PrefabId: the chassis name is the prefab name followed by a - and the tonnage of the mech. example chassis name for the assassin chrPrfMech_assassinBase-001_40
  • altMaps: provides a way to map chassis to this affinity that use a different ID type. this is a list of ChassisTypeMap objects
ChassisTypeMap Objects
  "chassisIds": [],
  "idType": "AssemblyVariant"
  • chassisIds : a list of chassis this affinity is available to.
  • idType : This value defines how the values in chassisIds this is the same as ChassisAffinity

Example Chassis Affinity AffinityDef

  "id": "AffinityDef_chassis_Ambusher",
  "affinityType": "Chassis",
  "affinityData": {
    "chassisNames": [
    "idType": "AssemblyVariant",
    "altMaps": [],
    "affinityLevels": [
        "missionsRequired": 20,
        "levelName": "Ambusher",
        "decription": "-15% Signature and Visibility and +1 Local ECM",
        "affinities": [],
        "effectData": [
            "Description": {
              "Details": "Pilot has Mastered the Chassis.",
              "Icon": "UixSvgIcon_specialEquip_System",
              "Id": "Affinity_Predator_Signature",
              "Name": "BattleMechAffinity"
            "durationData": {
              "duration": -1,
              "stackLimit": -1
            "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
            "nature": "Buff",
            "statisticData": {
              "statName": "SensorSignatureModifier",
              "operation": "Float_Multiply",
              "modValue": "0.85",
              "modType": "System.Single",
              "targetAmmoCategory": "NotSet",
              "targetCollection": "NotSet",
              "targetWeaponCategory": "NotSet",
              "targetWeaponSubType": "NotSet",
              "targetWeaponType": "NotSet"
            "targetingData": {
              "effectTargetType": "Creator",
              "effectTriggerType": "Passive",
              "hideApplicationFloatie": true,
              "showInStatusPanel": false,
              "showInTargetPreview": false
            "Description": {
              "Details": "Pilot has Mastered the Chassis.",
              "Icon": "UixSvgIcon_specialEquip_System",
              "Id": "Affinity_Predator_Visibility",
              "Name": "BattleMechAffinity"
            "durationData": {
              "duration": -1,
              "stackLimit": -1
            "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
            "nature": "Buff",
            "statisticData": {
              "statName": "SpottingVisibilityMultiplier",
              "operation": "Float_Multiply",
              "modValue": "0.85",
              "modType": "System.Single",
              "targetAmmoCategory": "NotSet",
              "targetCollection": "NotSet",
              "targetWeaponCategory": "NotSet",
              "targetWeaponSubType": "NotSet",
              "targetWeaponType": "NotSet"
            "targetingData": {
              "effectTargetType": "Creator",
              "effectTriggerType": "Passive",
              "hideApplicationFloatie": true,
              "showInStatusPanel": false,
              "showInTargetPreview": false
            "Description": {
              "Details": "Pilot has Mastered the Chassis.",
              "Icon": "UixSvgIcon_specialEquip_System",
              "Id": "Affinity_Predator_ECM",
              "Name": "BattleMechAffinity"
            "durationData": {
              "duration": -1,
              "stackLimit": -1
            "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
            "nature": "Buff",
            "statisticData": {
              "statName": "LV_ECM_SHIELD",
              "operation": "Int_Add",
              "modValue": "1",
              "modType": "System.Int32",
              "targetAmmoCategory": "NotSet",
              "targetCollection": "NotSet",
              "targetWeaponCategory": "NotSet",
              "targetWeaponSubType": "NotSet",
              "targetWeaponType": "NotSet"
            "targetingData": {
              "effectTargetType": "Creator",
              "effectTriggerType": "Passive",
              "hideApplicationFloatie": true,
              "showInStatusPanel": false,
              "showInTargetPreview": false

QuirkAffinity objects

  "quirkNames" : [],
  "affinityLevels" : []
  • quirkNames : a list of fixed equipment on a chassis that this affinity should be applied to. use the items ComponentDefID for this field. a pilot can qualify for multiple quirk affinities, ideally this is used for mech quirks, but other fixed gear can also be used
  • affinityLevels : a list of affinityLevel objects to be considered for this affinity
Example Quirk Affinity AffinityDef
  "id": "AffinityDef_quirk_Afterburner",
  "affinityType": "Quirk",
  "affinityData": {
    "quirkNames": [
    "affinityLevels": [
        "missionsRequired": 150,
        "levelName": "Afterburner",
        "decription": "+5% Jump Distance",
        "affinities": [],
        "effectData": [
            "durationData": {
              "duration": -1,
              "stackLimit": -1
            "targetingData": {
              "effectTriggerType": "Passive",
              "specialRules": "NotSet",
              "effectTargetType": "Creator",
              "showInTargetPreview": false,
              "showInStatusPanel": false
            "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
            "Description": {
              "Id": "AFTAHBURNAH",
              "Name": "CLAN TTS",
              "Details": "+2Acc, +50% Crit, +30% Range, -50%MinRange for ALL Weapons.",
              "Icon": "AdvancedTC"
            "nature": "Buff",
            "statisticData": {
              "statName": "JumpDistanceMultiplier",
              "operation": "Float_Multiply",
              "modValue": "1.05",
              "modType": "System.Single"

TaggedAffinity objects

  "tag" : "",
  "idType" : "AssemblyVariant",
  "chassisNames" : [],
  "affinityLevels" : []

tag : a tag that the pilot must have for this affinity to be considered chassisNames : a list of chassis this affinity is available to. affinityLevels : a list of affinityLevel objects to be considered for this affinity idType : where the chassisNames are prefab ids or chassis IDs. same as Chassis Affinities

AffinityLevel objects

  "missionsRequired" : 1,
  "levelName" : "Professional",
  "decription" : "Get A Major Gunnery Boost",
  "affinities" : [],
  "effectData" : []
  • missionsRequired : the number of deployments required to receive this affinity
  • levelName : the name of this affinity level
  • decription : a description of this level Note: Yes this is spelt wrong, but has been left as is for compatibility reasons
  • affinities : a list of affinity objects this level applies
  • effectData : a list of status effects that this level applies

affinity objects

Affinity objects provide a direct boost to a pilot's stats.

Note: This provides a raw stat boost only, it does not confer additional abilities or traits that come with naturally leveling the pilot's skill up

  "type" : "Gunnery",
  "bonus" : 5
  • type : the affinity type one of:
    • Gunnery
    • Guts
    • Tactics
    • Piloting
  • bonus : the bonus to be applied to this skill

Giving AI Pilots Affinities

non player pilots can also be setup to receive affinities. to do this add a pilot tag of affinityLevel_X where X is the number of deployments that should be granted to the pilot. pilots with this tag will be able to receive all affinities (Global, Chassis, Quirk & Tagged) that a player pilot of equal deployments is applicable for you may also give affinities based on the weight class of a mech using affinityLevelLight_X, affinityLevelMedium_X, affinityLevelHeavy_X, affinityLevelAssault_X for the appropriate weight class

Affinities By Tags

pilots may be granted experience towards affinities (of all types) by having special tags. there are 2 variants Permanent tags and Consumable tags. These tags can be part of a pilotdef when a pilot is generated or added by events.

Permanent Tags: These tags provide the pilot with a permanent boost to their affinity count for a given chassis (unless they lose the tag). permanent tags follow this scheme MaPermAffinity_X=prefabId where X is the number of deployments to be given, and prefabId is the chassis that this boost should be given to.

Example: Pilot Raza has been given the tag MaPermAffinity_6=chrPrfMech_urbanmechBase-001_30 this means Raza has a permanent 6 points added when using the chassis chrPrfMech_urbanmechBase-001_30 (the UrbanMech)

Consumable Tags: These tags provide the pilot with a boost to their affinity count for a given chassis. when a day passes this tag will be removed and the number of points will be added to the tracking stat. these boosts are therefore subject to decay as normal affinity points are. Consumable tags follow this scheme MaConsumableAffinity_X=prefabId where X is the number of deployments to be given, and prefabId is the chassis that this boost should be given to.

Example: Pilot Raza has been given the tag MaConsumableAffinity_5=chrPrfMech_urbanmechBase-001_30 this means Raza has a 5 point boost added when using the chassis chrPrfMech_urbanmechBase-001_30 (the UrbanMech), overtime this may decay if Raza decides to pilot another mech.

Pilot Quirks

Pilot quirks represent innate quirks of a pilot based on their physical, mental, socioeconomic backgrounds & behaviours. These quirks can manifest themselves in numerous active or passive ways.

Quirks may be used to grant buffs or malus's or both to a pilot. Quirks offer a wide range of options that can affect both sim-game and combat itself. In the event that the quirk's actual behaviour is provided by another mod, making a QuirkDef may still be useful as a means to inform the user of that quirk, even if the actual implementation is elsewhere. For Example: Pilot Fiona's quirk grants her access to Airstrike abilities. The actual implementation of this quirk is provided by a combination of mods and not MechAffinity itself, but the quirkDef is still created to display to the user and provide the extra monthly cost for employing such a powerful pilot.

Quirks may have their various features adjusted using the below settings.

Pilot Quirk Settings

These settings only apply when enablePilotQuirks is true

  "playerQuirkPools": false,
  "argoAdditive": true,
  "argoMultiAutoAdjust": true,
  "argoMin": 0.0,
  "tagUpdates": [],
  "restrictions": []
  • quirkPools : a list of QuirkPool objects.
  • playerQuirkPools : when true player pilots can also use quirk pools.
  • argoAdditive : when true argo upgrade modifiers are processed using an additive model, when false a multiplicative model is used instead
  • argoMin : the lowest possible argo upgrade modifier, defaults to 0.0
  • argoMultiAutoAdjust : when true auto normalize modifiers for the multiplicative model (by adding 1.0 to the modifier before its factored in) instead of directly applying the modifier
  • tooltipTags : a list of PilotTooltipTag objects. These will be used for tooltips, this can be used for TBAS or for legacy functions of PilotQuirks for PilotFatigue support
  • addTags : a list of pilot tags. When Quirks are enabled, these tags will be automatically added to any pilot in your roster
  • tagUpdates: a list of TagUpdate objects. These can be used to roll out updates to existing pilots in the players roster without a save break.
  • restrictions: a list of QuirkRestriction objects. These can be used to keep powerful quirks from being overused

QuirkPool objects

A quirk pool provides a way to randomly assign quirks to a pilot based on the presence of a tag. This is primarily useful for granting AI Pilots a random selection of quirks.

Note: Pilots can qualify and use more than one quirk pool

  "tag" : "",
  "quirksToPick": 0,
  "quirksAvailable" : [],
  "defaultQuirkWeight": 3,
  "weightedQuirks": {
    "exampleQuirk" : 2
  • tag : the tag that activates this quirk pool
  • quirksToPick : the number of quirks to select from this pool
  • quirksAvailable : a list of quirk tags this pool can select that use the default weight for selection
  • defaultQuirkWeight : the default weighting that is used for all quirks in the quirksAvailable list
  • weightedQuirks: a dictionary of quirks to weights. quirks in this list must not be in the quirksAvailable list. all quirks in this dictionary will use the weight specified, allowing them to be more common, or rare than quirks in the main list.

PilotTooltipTag objects

  "tag" : "",
  "tooltipText" : ""
  • tag : the tag that activates this tooltip text
  • tooltipText : the text for the tooltip, Note: a double new line will be automatically added to the end

TageUpdate objects

  "selector": "",
  "addTags": [],
  "removeTags": []

TagUpdate objects allow you to selectively roll out updates to pilots during a routine update to your modpack. this can be used to add and/or remove tags from select pilots to correct bugs or add features to them.

  • selector: the existing tag that signals this update should be run
  • addTags: tags to be added to the pilots with the selector, if the tag already is on the pilot it will not be added a second time
  • removeTags: tags to be removed from the pilots with the selector if the pilot has them.

QuirkRestriction objects

  "restrictionCategory" : "",
  "deploymentCap": 0,
  "errorMsg": "",
  "errorTitle": ""

QuirkRestriction objects allow you to restrict powerful quirks from overuse by limiting the number of pilots with a particular quirk category

  • restrictionCategory: the quirk category this restriction is placed on, any QuirkDef with a restrictionCategory that matches this will be subject to this restriction
  • deploymentCap: the maximum number of quirks with this category that may be deployed in a single drop
  • errorMsg: message text for the user when this restriction occurs
  • errorTitle: title text for the user error message

QuirkDef Objects

Quirk Definitions (QuirkDefs) are JSON files loaded into the via ModTek's custom resource (Manifest entry of: QuirkDef)

these definitions are matched to the appropriate pilots on deployment of a mission.

    "id": "",
    "tag" : "",
    "quirkName" : "",
    "description" : "",
    "effectData" : [],
    "quirkEffects" : []
  • id: The Quirk ID, this must be unique and must match the file name of the QuirkDef (minus the .json file extension)
  • tag : a tag that the pilot must have for to be awarded this quirk
  • quirkName : a human-readable name for this quirk, will be used in tooltips
  • description : a description about what this quirk does
  • effectData : a list of status effects that this quirk applies
  • quirkEffects : a list of QuirkEffect objects that will be applied to this quirk

QuirkEffect Objects

  "type" : "",
  "modifier" : 0,
  "secondaryModifier" : 0,
  "affectedIds" : []

QuirkEffect objects are for managing effects pilot quirks should apply that are sim game related and cannot be done by status effects. not all effect types use all the fields available (unused fields for that effect are ignored) pilots with multiple quirk effects of the same type are additive

available types:

  • MedTech, MechTech and Morale These types are used to modify the companies MedTech or MechTech or Morale levels respectively by the amount specified by modifier. this can be an int or a float and can increment or decrement these levels for example one quirk could add 0.6 mechtech points while another could add 1.4 and a third could add -0.1 this would net an overall boost of 1, with 0.9 leftover and stored for when the pilot roster changes

  • PilotCostFactor This type modifies the amount it costs to hire and monthly pay of a pilot. this works as a multiplier to the standard costs of the pilot by the amount specified by modifier field. A modifier that is positive increases a pilots cost, while a negative decreases costs. secondaryModifier can be used to add or subtract a flat cost to the pilot's cost, this is applied before the modifier percentage costs are applied examples: a modifier of 0.3 with increase the cost of a pilot by 30%, while a value of -0.25 will decrease the pilots cost by 25%

  • CriminalEffect and CriminalEffect2 This type introduces a pilot's ability to steal either for you or from you. When a day passes all pilots with this effect make a roll. on a successful roll they will steal a specified amount. the chance to steal is governed by modifier which specifies the percentage (as an int) to successfully roll a steal. secondaryModifier specifies the amount of cbills to steal when a successful roll is made, a positive amount steals from you, a negative amount steals from you. for example a modifier of 9 and a secondaryModifier with a value of 500 gives the pilot a 9% chance to steal 500 cbills from you when a day passes. CriminalEffect2 is functionally identical, just used to make a second independent roll.

  • ArgoUpgradeFactor and ArgoUpkeepFactor These types affect the pilots ability to reduce or increase the upfront cost or the monthly upkeep of an argo upgrade. the modifier field is a float that acts as a multiplier to the base/upkeep cost of the upgrade. affectedIds is a list of argo upgrade IDs that this quirk affects. to affect all upgrades a value of PqAllArgoUpgrades can be added to this list. example: ArgoUpgradeFactor with a modifier of -0.3 and affectedIds list equal to [PqAllArgoUpgrades] will give a 30% cost reduction to the purchase cost of all upgrades. while a ArgoUpkeepFactor with a modifier of 0.15 will increase the monthly upkeep of all affected upgrades.

  • PilotHealth This type is used to add or remove health from a pilot

  • Immortality This type is used to grant a pilot the same plot-armour that your company-commander has been granted. Pilots granted immortality cannot be killed on the battlefield (although they may still be subject to death from events or from other mods)

  • AdditionalSalvage This is used to grant additional salvage rights. modifier adds additional overall salvage allocation, while secondaryModifier adds to the number of priority picks you will receive. Note: pilots with this effect must be deployed to the battle for you to receive the benefits. You cannot increase the number of priority picks past 7 regardless of the value used, this is a game UI limitation

  • AdditionalCbills This is used to grant additional CBills on contracts deployments. modifier adds an additional flat payout, while secondaryModifier adds a percentage of the payout on top. Note: pilots with this effect must be deployed to the battle for you to receive the benefits. Changes may not show on the results screen. Secondary modifier assumes a base value of 1.0, so to add a 5% pay bonus set this to 0.05, for a 5% decrease use -0.05

Example QuirkDef:

  "id": "pilotQuirkDef_pilot_blameMe",
  "tag": "pilot_blameMe",
  "quirkName": "Always Blamed",
  "description": "+2 Initiative. +1 Evasion Gained & Max. -1 Defense. +30% Upkeep",
  "effectData": [
      "durationData": {
        "duration": -1,
        "stackLimit": -1
      "targetingData": {
        "effectTriggerType": "Passive",
        "triggerLimit": 0,
        "extendDurationOnTrigger": 0,
        "specialRules": "NotSet",
        "effectTargetType": "Creator",
        "range": 0,
        "forcePathRebuild": false,
        "forceVisRebuild": false,
        "showInTargetPreview": false,
        "showInStatusPanel": false
      "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
      "Description": {
        "Id": "MechwarriorQuirkInitiative",
        "Name": "Command Consoles",
        "Details": "Provides + 2 Initiative and several buffs.",
        "Icon": "uixSvgIcon_equipment_Cockpit"
      "nature": "Buff",
      "statisticData": {
        "statName": "SBI_MOD_MISC",
        "operation": "Int_Add",
        "modValue": "2",
        "modType": "System.Int32"
      "durationData": {
        "duration": -1,
        "stackLimit": -1
      "targetingData": {
        "effectTriggerType": "Passive",
        "effectTargetType": "Creator"
      "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
      "Description": {
        "Id": "MaxEvasion",
        "Name": "EVASIVE MOVE",
        "Details": "This unit generates an extra EVASIVE charge from movement actions (up to its maximum).",
        "Icon": "uixSvgIcon_action_evasivemove"
      "statisticData": {
        "statName": "MaxEvasivePips",
        "operation": "Int_Add",
        "modValue": "1",
        "modType": "System.Int32"
      "nature": "Buff"
      "durationData": {
        "duration": -1,
        "stackLimit": -1
      "targetingData": {
        "effectTriggerType": "Passive",
        "effectTargetType": "Creator",
        "showInStatusPanel": false
      "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
      "Description": {
        "Id": "GainEvasion",
        "Name": "EVASIVE MOVE",
        "Details": "This unit generates an extra EVASIVE charge from movement actions (up to its maximum).",
        "Icon": "uixSvgIcon_action_evasivemove"
      "statisticData": {
        "statName": "EvasivePipsGainedAdditional",
        "operation": "Int_Add",
        "modValue": "1",
        "modType": "System.Int32"
      "nature": "Buff"
      "durationData": {
        "duration": -1,
        "stackLimit": -1
      "targetingData": {
        "effectTriggerType": "Passive",
        "effectTargetType": "Creator",
        "showInTargetPreview": false,
        "showInStatusPanel": false
      "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
      "Description": {
        "Id": "StatusEffect-Defense_ToHit-T3",
        "Name": "HARDER TO HIT",
        "Details": "Provides a penalty to all attacks against this unit.",
        "Icon": "uixSvgIcon_equipment_Gyro"
      "nature": "Buff",
      "statisticData": {
        "statName": "ToHitThisActor",
        "operation": "Float_Add",
        "modValue": "-1.0",
        "modType": "System.Single"
  "quirkEffects": [
      "type": "PilotCostFactor",
      "modifier": 0.3,
      "secondaryModifier": 0.0,
      "affectedIds": []

Giving AI Pilots Quirks

non player pilots can be setup to get randomized quirks. To do this add quirk pools and make sure all AI pilots that should get quirks have at least one of the tags used by a quirk pool.

Getting Custom Quirks To Show

any non-vanilla tag will not show up on the pilot's dossier in game by default. to get a custom quirk to show up like the above Always Blamed quirk, you will need to add custom tags via modtek. See ModTek's Custom Tag documentation for details on how to load them

Pilot Select

Pilot Select allows a user to change how pilots are selected for the initial pilot roster on a new career.

It enables you to select specific Ronin, a random selection of Ronin, a number of procedural pilots or a combination for your career.

Note: This is a port of Select Pilots to fix a conflict between the two mods, as such they will conflict when this is enabled

Pilot Select Settings

These settings only apply when enablePilotSelect is true

These settings control how many of each type of pilot to include in the initial pilot roster for a career.

  "PossibleStartingRonin": [],
  "RoninFromList": 0,
  "ProceduralPilots": 4,
  "RandomRonin": 4
  • PossibleStartingRonin : a list of ronin pilot IDs that can be selected when drawing from the list

example list for vanilla pilots:

  • RoninFromList : the number of ronin to randomly select from the list
  • RandomRonin : the number of ronin to randomly select from the entire pool of ronin in the game
  • ProceduralPilots: the number of procedural pilots to generate to fill out the rest of the roster

Pilot Select Restriction

  "tags" : [],
  "limit" : 0,
  "restrictionId" : ""

Some pilots may offer special abilities or be extremely powerful, in some cases you may wish to have a limit on how many of these pilots a player can roll during a career start. Pilot Select Restrictions allow you to restrict pilots from random ronin selection by putting limits on the number of pilots that can roll with a group of tags

  • tags : a list of the tags in this restriction group
  • limit: the limit of the number pilots that may have any tags from this group. Note that all tags count against this limit.
  • restrictionId: an ID for this restriction group, should be unique

Stable Piloting

Stable Piloting allows you to modify the incoming stability damage to a mech and adjust it depending on a pilot's piloting skill.

It can further modify the stability damage based on the tags a pilot has.

Note: This is a re-imagining and expansion of the Stabile Piloting feature set along with a bug fixes that prevented the original from really working and will conflict with it when enabled

Stable Piloting Settings

These settings only apply when enableStablePiloting is true

These settings control the 'Stable Piloting' feature set.

Stable Piloting allows for various modifications to stability damage taken by pilots.

  "reductionPerPiloting" : 0.02,
  "increasePerInjury" : 0.05,
  "InverseMax" : 20,
  "tagEffects" : []
  • reductionPerPiloting: the reduction of stability damage taken, per point of Piloting of a pilot. default setting is 2% reduction per level.
  • increasePerInjury: the increase of stability damage taken, per injury on a pilot.
  • InverseMax: The maximum Piloting skill level to use for Inverse tag effects. default is 20
  • tagEffects: a list of PilotTagStabilityEffect objects

PilotTagStabilityEffect Objects

These objects define stability reductions or penalties for pilots possessing matching tags. A pilot with multiple matching tags will receive the benefits (or penalties) for all applicable tags.

  "tag" : "pilot_klutz",
  "effect": 0.01,
  "type" : "Piloting"
  • tag: the pilot tag required to apply this effect

  • effect: the magnitude for this effect. Note that exactly how this is applied is based on the type. a positive value is a penalty (increase in stability damage taken), a negative is a boost (reduction in stability damage taken)

  • type: This determines how effect is applied. Valid values for this field are:

    • Flat: the default value, the magnitude of this effect is simply the value of effect
    • Piloting : the magnitude of this effect is the effect value multiplied by the Piloting skill of the pilot.
    • PilotingInverse : the magnitude of this effect is the effect value multiplied by the InverseMax minus the Piloting skill of the pilot. When piloting reaches the Inverse Max or greater, this effect will become 0. This mode is best used to reduce a penalty as Piloting Skill grows.

Monthly Tech Adjustment

Monthly Tech Adjustment adds some additional meaning to the various monthly funding levels of the Argo by adding a boost/malus to the mech and med tech values in addition to the morale modifier

Note: This is a re-imagining and expansion of the Monthly Tech Adjustment feature set to resolve conflicts with this mod and will conflict with it when enabled

Monthly Tech Settings

These settings only apply when enableMonthlyTechAdjustments is true

These settings control the 'Monthly Tech Adjustment' feature set.

  "SpartanMedModifier": -4,
  "RestrictedMedModifier": -2,
  "NormalMedModifier": 0,
  "GenerousMedModifier": 1,
  "ExtravagantMedModifier": 2,
  "SpartanMechModifier": -4,
  "RestrictedMechModifier": -2,
  "NormalMechModifier": 0,
  "GenerousMechModifier": 1,
  "ExtravagantMechModifier": 2,
  "UiFontSize": 28,
  "UseEnhancedFormulas": false,
  "ModifiersFirst": true,
  "DefaultMedTechModifier": 0,
  "DefaultMechTechModifier": 0,
  "DefaultMedTechMultiplier": 1.0,
  "DefaultMechTechMultiplier": 1.0,
  "SpartanMedMultiplier": 1.0,
  "RestrictedMedMultiplier": 1.0,
  "NormalMedMultiplier": 1.0,
  "GenerousMedMultiplier": 1.0,
  "ExtravagantMedMultiplier": 1.0,
  "SpartanMechMultiplier": 1.0,
  "RestrictedMechMultiplier": 1.0,
  "NormalMechMultiplier": 1.0,
  "GenerousMechMultiplier": 1.0,
  "ExtravagantMechMultiplier": 1.0
  • UiFontSize: the fontsize of various parts of the financial report will not scale with additional text being added to the fields, to fix this we can scale the fontsize down to allow it to fit better. the default of 28 seems pretty good but is adjustable if needed. Note: vanilla's default size for these fields is 30 for comparision.

When UseEnhancedFormulas is false:

  • xxxMedModifier: the buff/malus to the MedTech at the corresponding funding level, positive is a buff, negative is a malus. Note that this an adjustment from the baseline value, not an stacking modifier. This means if Spartan provides a -4 malus, taking Spartan for 2 straight months will still only be a -4 penalty, like wise with buffs
  • xxxMechModifier: the buff/malus to the MechTech at the corresponding funding level, positive is a buff, negative is a malus. Note that this an adjustment from the baseline value, not an stacking modifier. This means if Spartan provides a -4 malus, taking Spartan for 2 straight months will still only be a -4 penalty, like wise with buffs

Med/MechTech Skill for the month = BaseSkill + xxxModifier

ex. you have 10 MechTech and select `Spartan` Funding level, which has a `-4` Modifier:
10 + (-4) = 6
your MechTech skill for this month is now 6

When UseEnhancedFormulas is true:

the Ehnanced Formula uses your current Mech/MedTech Skill to determine the buff/malus for the month based on your funding level, allowing it to scale with your company as it improves

  • xxxMedModifier: the default buff/malus to the MedTech at the corresponding funding level
  • xxxMechModifier: the default buff/malus to the MechTech at the corresponding funding level
  • xxxMedMultiplier: the default buff/malus multiplier to the MedTech at the corresponding funding level
  • xxxMechMultiplier: the default buff/malus to the multiplier MechTech at the corresponding funding level

Note: These as the default values, and are baked into the save so that they can be modified

ex. you have 10 MechTech and select Spartan Funding level, which currently has a +2 Modifier and a -0.5 Multiplier

When ModifiersFirst is true

Med/MechTech Skill for the month = BaseSkill + ((BaseSkill + xxxModifier) * xxxMultiplier)
 MechTech = 10 + ((10 +2) * -0.5)
 MechTech = 10 + (12 * -0.5)
 MechTech = 10 + (-6)
 MechTech = 4
 your MechTech Skill for this month is now 4

When ModifiersFirst is false

Med/MechTech Skill for the month = BaseSkill + ((BaseSkill * xxxMultiplier) + xxxModifier)
MechTech = 10 + ((10 * -0.5) + 2)
MechTech = 10 + (-5 + 2)
MechTech = 10 + (-3)
MechTech = 7
your MechTech Skill for this month is now 7

When using Enhanced formulas, events or argo upgrades can modify the bonus/malus modifiers and multipliers by updating the following stats in the company stat collection:





Pilot Management Features

Pilot management allows you to add some additional flavour to your ronin, such as adding requirements for pilots to be hireable. This includes things like only allowing them to show up on certain worlds or worlds owned by certain factions. It may require you to have one or more friends of this pilot on your crew already or they may refuse to work with other pilots if you have them.

Pilot Management Settings

These settings only apply when enablePilotManagement is true

These settings control the 'Pilot Management' feature set.

    "RoninBlacklistTag": "",
    "StatOnHireTag": "",
    "StatOnFireTag": "",
    "StatOnKilledTag": "",
    "EnablePilotGenTesting": false,
    "EnableRoninBlacklisting": false,
    "ForcedRoninSelectionIds": [],
    "CanRepoolRonin": false,
    "RepoolRoninChance": 0,
    "RepoolImmuneDeployments": 0,
    "EnableSpawnModifiers": false,
    "ExcludeRePoolingTags": []
  • EnableRoninBlacklisting: when set to true any pilot with the RoninBlacklistTag will be prevented from entering the hiring halls
  • EnablePilotGenTesting: when true override the pilot generator to account for pilots in ForcedRoninSelectionIds, this should only be enabled for testing
  • ForcedRoninSelectionIds: a list of pilot IDs that will be given preference when generating a ronin pilot for the hiring halls. This is very useful for testing, but should not be used when not testing
  • StatOnHireTag: a custom tag, when a pilot carrying this tag is hired a new company tag hasPilot_{pilotID} will be created. This is useful for triggering events that require a particular pilot. when the pilot is killed or fired this stat will be removed.
  • StatOnFireTag: a custom tag, when a pilot carrying this tag is fired a new company tag firedPilot_{pilotID} will be created. This is useful for triggering events that require a particular pilot.
  • StatOnKilledTag: a custom tag, when a pilot carrying this tag is killed a new company tag killedPilot_{pilotID} will be created. This is useful for triggering events that require a particular pilot.
  • CanRepoolRonin: when enabled, Ronin that are fired, can under some conditions be re-added to the list of available ronin, allowing them to appear once more in the hiring halls. Note: Any experience or skills the pilot may have gained under their former employment will not persist
  • RepoolRoninChance: the chance (as an integer) for a fired Ronin to be returned to the available ronin list. Valid range is 0 - 100% (requires repooling to be enabled)
  • RepoolImmuneDeployments: ronin who have successfully deployed more than this are immune from being returned to the available ronin list
  • ExcludeRePoolingTags: a list of pilot tags, any pilot with one or more of these tags can never be returned to the available ronin list
  • EnableSpawnModifiers: when true, spawn chance modifications loaded by RoninSpawnModifierDefs will be used

PilotRequirementsDef Objects

These objects are used to create restrictions for where and when pilots can be hired

  "TagId": "",
  "HiringRequirements": [],
  "HiringVisibilityRequirements": [],
  "RequiredSystemCoreIds": [],
  "RequiredSystemOwner": [],
  "RequiredPilotIds": [],
  "ConflictingPilotIds": [],
  "AntiSystemOwner": [],
  "RequiredSystemCoreIdPrefix": ""
  • TagId: a pilot tag ID, any pilot with this tag will be subject to these restrictions
  • HiringRequirements: a list of RequirementDefs (see contract requirements lists for examples) that a pilot must meet to be hire-able. Pilots failing these requirements will be able to enter the hiring halls but will not be able to be hired.
  • HiringVisibilityRequirements: a list of RequirementDefs that a pilot must meet to enter the hiring hall. Pilots failing these requirements, will not be eligible to be in the hiring hall at all.
  • RequiredSystemCoreIds: a list of starsystemDef Core IDs, these are the only worlds a pilot may be found in the hiring halls of, if empty the pilot may be found on any world.
  • RequiredSystemOwner: a list of faction Names, a pilot will only be eligible to appear in the hiring hall if the faction who controls this system is in this list, if empty all factions are allowed.
  • RequiredPilotIds: a list of pilot IDs that you are required to have in your current pilot roster to hire this pilot. All pilots in this list must be owned.
  • ConflictingPilotIds: a list of pilot IDs. If you have any of these pilots in your current roster, this pilot will not be hire-able
  • AntiSystemOwner: a list of faction Names, a pilot will not be eligible to appear in the hiring hall if the faction that controls this system is in this list, if empty no factions are restricted in this fashion
  • RequiredSystemCoreIdPrefix: a string. When not empty the pilot will only appear on worlds whose Core ID starts with this prefix string. This is useful when restricting a pilot to something like jump point worlds

Note: For RequirementDefs, only the Commander, Company & StarSystem scopes are implemented

RoninSpawnModifierDefs Objects

These files are used to modify the chances of certain ronin from appearing in the hiring halls based on the number of ronin you have fired or had die as members of your company. The idea is that Ronin are elite pilots whose skills are in demand. If a potential employer is known to not offer stable employment or is imfamous amongst the ronin, there is less of a chance they will be willing to work for you.

When a ronin subject to this restriction is drawn for the hiring halls, 2 rolls will be made, one against the penalties for the number of ronin you have fired and the other for the number killed. Failing either of these rolls will result in the ronin not spawning in the halls, instead being replaced by a proc-gen pilot.

  "Id": "Default",
  "IsDefault": false,
  "ApplicableTags": [],
  "FiredThreshold": 10,
  "KilledThreshold": 10,
  "DefaultFiredModifier": 100,
  "DefaultKilledModifier": 100,
  "FiredProgression": 5,
  "KilledProgression": 5,
  "FiredRecoveryDays": 5,
  "KilledRecoveryDays": 5,
  "FiredFloor": 0,
  "KilledFloor": 0,
  "FiredCap": 10000,
  "KilledCap": 10000,
  "FiredCappedModifier": 50,
  "KilledCappedModifier": 50
  • Id: an ID for this modifier, must have a unique ID from all other spawn modifiers
  • IsDefault: when true, this set of modifiers will apply to all ronin not covered by another modifier set, if no modifier set has this field set, then the defaults seen above will be used for defaults.
  • ApplicableTags: ronin carrying any of these tags will be subject to this set of modifiers. If IsDefault is set this field is ignored
  • FiredThreshold: The number of ronin you may fire before penalties begin to incur. Note: This includes all ronin, not just those subject to this modifier
  • KilledThreshold: The number of ronin you may kill before penalties begin to incur. Note: This includes all ronin, not just those subject to this modifier
  • DefaultFiredModifier: The default percentage chance a ronin subject to this restriction will have to spawn when selected for the hiring halls based on the number. The number of ronin fired will decrease this chance.
  • DefaultKilledModifier: The default percentage chance a ronin subject to this restriction will have to spawn when selected for the hiring halls based on the number. The number of ronin killed will decrease this chance.
  • FiredProgression: For each pilot fired over the fired threshold DefaultFiredModifier will be reduced by this much. likewise when the modifier recovers, it will recover by this much each step.
  • KilledProgression: For each pilot killed over the killed threshold DefaultKilledModifier will be reduced by this much. likewise when the modifier recovers, it will recover by this much each step.
  • FiredRecoveryDays: the number of days the firing penalty will be applied for. Note: if another firing penalty is incurred during this time, this value is reset.
  • KilledRecoveryDays: the number of days the killed penalty will be applied for. Note: if another killed penalty is incurred during this time, this value is reset.
  • FiredFloor: The minimum value DefaultFiredModifier can be reduced to by firing penalties. Note: This can be negative to inflict very long penalties if desired
  • KilledFloor: The minimum value DefaultKilledModifier can be reduced to by killing penalties. Note: This can be negative to inflict very long penalties if desired
  • FiredCap: After firing this many ronin DefaultFiredModifier and any penalties is replaced with FiredCappedModifier and will no longer change, this penalty is permanent
  • KilledCap: After killing this many ronin DefaultKilledModifier and any penalties is replaced with KilledCappedModifier and will no longer change, this penalty is permanent

Pilot UI Modifications

Mech Affinity allows you to differentiate various pilots by altering their pilot icons in a similar manner to how vanilla Ronin or Kickstarter back pilots are distinguished.


RTO Pilot

Pilot UI Settings

  "enableAffinityColour": false,
  "orderByAffinity": false,
  "pilotIcons" : [],
  "pilotAffinityColours" : []
  • iconColours: a list of PilotIcon objects
  • pilotAffinityColours: a list of PilotAffinityColours objects
  • enableAffinityColour: when true the pilot expertise text (the text that says Recruit, Vanguard, etc) on a pilot roster slot will be colourized to show the approximate affinity level with the currently selected unit in the lance configuration screen
  • orderByAffinity: when true unselected pilots in the lance configuration screen will be sorted based on their affinity level with the currently selected unit

Pilot Icon Objects

  "colour" : "#f21c1c",
  "tag" : "pilot_rtolegend",
  "descriptionDefId": "",
  "svgAssetId": "",
  "priority": 1

PilotIconColour objects allow you to change the pilot type's background colour to the specified colour, based on tags the pilot has.

Note: if a pilot qualifies for multiple icons, the one with the lowest priority value will be used

  • colour: when not blank, pilots with the matching tag will have their pilot type icon background set to this colour, use HTML RGB Colour encoding
  • tag: the tag the pilot must have for this icon updates to be applied
  • descriptionDefId: when not blank, the pilot type tool tip text will be updated to use the BaseDescriptionDef with the matching ID, Mech Affinity or another mod must load this description via the mod.json manifest
  • svgAssetId: when not blank, the pilot type icon will have the foreground icon replaced by the SVG Asset matching this ID, Mech Affinity or another mod must load this SVGAsset via the mod.json manifest
  • priority: the priority for this icon data, the lower the number the higher the priority (ie. if a pilot matches 2 sets of icon data, then the one with the lowest value for priority will be used)

Pilot Affinity Colours Objects

  "colour": "#f21c1c",
  "deploysRequired": 1

PilotAffinityColours objects allow you to change the pilot's expertise text colour in the lance configuration screen depending on the level of affinity they have with the selected unit. This allows the player to get a rough idea of the pilot's affinity at a glance.

Note: if a pilot qualifies for multiple colours, the one with the highest deployment requirement value will be used

  • colour: the text colour, use HTML RGB Colour encoding
  • deploysRequired: the deployments required to earn this colour

New Combat Effects

Mech Affinity enables the following new combat effects

Super-Breaching Shot

Super-Breaching Shot is an enhanced version of the vanilla breaching shot ability. It differs from the standard breaching shot in the following ways:

  • may be granted via gear, affinity or pilot quirk
  • all non-melee weapons always use breaching shot, even with multiple weapons being fired

Given the power of this effect, it is recommended to keep access to it quite limited.

How to enable

Super-Breaching Shot is enabled via the SuperPrecisionShot status effect, allowing it to be granted by gear, affinities or pilot quirks.


  "durationData": {
    "duration": -1
  "targetingData": {
    "effectTriggerType": "Passive",
    "effectTargetType": "Creator"
  "effectType": "StatisticEffect",
  "Description": {
    "Id": "TC-Breaching",
    "Name": "BREACHING SHOT",
    "Details": "PASSIVE: Attacking with a single weapon ignores COVER and GUARDED on the target.",
    "Icon": "uixSvgIcon_ability_precisionstrike"
  "statisticData": {
    "statName": "SuperPrecisionShot",
    "operation": "Set",
    "modValue": "true",
    "modType": "System.Boolean"
  "nature": "Buff"

Custom Resources

The following Custom Resource Types are used by this mod:

  • AffinitiesDef
  • QuirkDef
  • LanceQuirkDef
  • PilotRequirementsDef
  • RoninSpawnModifierDef

Upgrading from 1.3.0 or earlier

MechAffinity versions prior to 1.4.0 had a significantly different format that is no longer compatible with newer versions.

However, there is a relatively straightforward migration path:

  1. Grab the latest MechAffinity build suitable for your environment
  2. Drop the new DLL into your existing install
  3. Start the game
  4. ModTek will report that MechAffinity failed to load, This is expected
  5. close the game and check your mechaffinity folder in mods, verify the following:
    1. settings.json is now significantly smaller and contains the new settings format
    2. settings.legacy.json has been created and contains your old settings
    3. A directory called AffinityDefs now exists and contains all your defined affinities as individual files
    4. A directory called QuirkDefs now exists and contains any pilot quirks you had defined as individual files
  6. update your mod.json file to look something like this:
	"Name": "MechAffinity",
	"Version": "1.4.0",
	"Enabled": true,
	"Hidden": false,
	"Author": "Jamie Wolf",
	"DLL": "MechAffinity.dll",
	"DLLEntryPoint": "MechAffinity.Main.Init",
	"CustomResourceTypes": ["AffinitiesDef", "QuirkDef"],
	"DependsOn": [
	"ConflictsWith": [],
	"Manifest": [
			"Type": "AffinitiesDef",
			"Path": "AffinityDefs"
			"Type": "QuirkDef",
			"Path": "QuirkDefs"

*Note if you are using the version of MA that doesn't depend on custom components then the DependsOn entries should be omitted


A Mod for HBS's BattleTech that makes pilots bond with their mechs






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