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Merge pull request #48 from jpbland1/separate-big-key #285

Merge pull request #48 from jpbland1/separate-big-key

Merge pull request #48 from jpbland1/separate-big-key #285

name: Build and Test
branches: [ 'master', 'main', 'release/**' ]
branches: [ '*' ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# List host CPU info
- name: Host CPU info
run: cat /proc/cpuinfo
# List compiler version
- name: List compiler version
run: gcc --version
# pull and build wolfssl
- name: Checkout wolfssl
uses: actions/checkout@v4
repository: wolfssl/wolfssl
path: wolfssl
# Build and test standard build
- name: Build and test
run: cd test && make clean && make WOLFSSL_DIR=../wolfssl run
# Build and test debug build with ASAN and NOCRYPTO
- name: Build and test ASAN DEBUG NOCRYPTO
run: cd test && make clean && make DEBUG=1 ASAN=1 NOCRYPTO=1 WOLFSSL_DIR=../wolfssl run
# Build and test debug build with ASAN
- name: Build and test ASAN DEBUG
run: cd test && make clean && make DEBUG=1 ASAN=1 WOLFSSL_DIR=../wolfssl run
# Build and test debug build with SHE
- name: Build and test SHE
run: cd test && make clean && make SHE=1 WOLFSSL_DIR=../wolfssl run
# Test structure padding
- name: Check structure padding
run: cd test && make clean && make checkpadding