Arduino goodix touch screen driver
Tested on a BuyDisplay ER-TFTM101-1 10.1" TFT with GT9271 CTS.
- Update to 16bit for the GT9271.
- Fix "readInfo()" function.
- Add ablility to use choice of Wire, Wire1, Wire2, (MicroMod Wire3).
- Add ability to ignore reset signal if "resetPin" set to 255.
- Changed constructor to take interrupt, reset pins and I2C address as arguments. Defaults are INT_PIN=2, RST_PIN=255(ignored if 255) and I2C address=0x5D.
Prototype of arduino-based library for Goodix touchscreen driver chips (tested with GT9271) Thanks to linux/android Goodix drivers developers for references
- (Also You can found specs in this repo)