A Python client for Bitkub API
- This library is not guaranteed to be up-to-date with the latest Bitkub API.
- Before using the library, please check the API documentation to be informed about the latest updated or possible bugs.
- Trading support
- General market data and account information
- Handling of authentication
- Deposit and withdrawal of funds
Generate an API Key and assign permissions.
pip install bitkub-python
from bitkub import Client
client = Client("apikey" , "apisecret")
orderbooks = client.fetch_depth(symbol='THB_ETH', limit=10)
# create order
order = client.create_order_buy(symbol='USDT_THB', amount=10, rate=30)
# cancel order
# fetch open orders
if you find this library useful, please consider buying me a coffee.
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