This is a fork from amseddi/AMRatingControl.
StarRatingControl is a UI control that resembles the 'star rating' control seen in the iPod app.
StarRatingControl allows you to select a rating starting from 0 to any number of stars you want.
You can use default star symbols and customize colors or specify custom images.
Add StarRatingControl.h
and StarRatingControl.m
to your project.
#import "StarRatingControl.h"
// Create a simple instance, initing with :
// - a CGPoint (the position in your view from which it will be drawn)
// - and max rating
StarRatingControl *simpleRatingControl = [[StarRatingControl alloc] initWithLocation:CGPointMake(90, 50)
// Customize the current rating if needed
[simpleRatingControl setRating:3];
[simpleRatingControl setStarSpacing:10];
// Define block to handle events
simpleRatingControl.editingChangedBlock = ^(NSUInteger rating)
[label setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", rating]];
simpleRatingControl.editingDidEndBlock = ^(NSUInteger rating)
[endLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", rating]];
// Create an instance with images, initing with :
// - a CGPoint (the position in your view from which it will be drawn)
// - a custom empty image and solid image if you wish (pass nil if you want to use the default).
// - initial rating (how many stars the rating will have initially when displayed)
// - and max rating
// This control, when initialized with (at least) the fullStar image will support partial rating stars, i.e., 3.5
UIImage *emptyStar, *fullStar;
emptyStar = [UIImage imageNamed:@"star_rating_empty.png"];
fullStar = [UIImage imageNamed:@"star_rating_full.png"];
StarRatingControl *imagesRatingControl = [[StarRatingControl alloc] initWithLocation:CGPointMake(110, 250)
// Create an instance with custom color, initing with :
// - a CGPoint (the position in your view from which it will be drawn)
// - colors for "empty" and "full" rating stars
// - and max rating
StarRatingControl *coloredRatingControl = [[StarRatingControl alloc] initWithLocation:CGPointMake(110, 370)
emptyColor:[UIColor yellowColor]
solidColor:[UIColor redColor]
// Add the control(s) as subview of your view
[view addSubview:simpleRatingControl];
[view addSubview:imagesRatingControl];
[view addSubview:coloredRatingControl];
StarRatingControl uses ARC.
StarRatingControl is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.