CFS Monitor is an innovative IoT app built using a clean architecture approach and optimized with the latest technologies. This optimized and well-documented codebase serves as an archive reference for the implementation.
Read more about the project in this report
The app follows clean architecture principles with separate layers for domain logic, use cases, repositories, controllers, and UI.
- Domain Layer - Contains business logic entities like User, SensorReading, etc.
- Use Case Layer - Handles application logic use cases like GetSensorReadingsUseCase
- Repository Layer - Abstracts data sources. Eg: UserRepository, SensorRepository
- Controller Layer - Contains viewmodels that drive UI. Eg: DashboardViewModel
- UI Layer - Responsible purely for UI code. Uses Jetpack Compose. This separation of concerns makes the app robust, scalable, and testable.
Various optimizations are implemented:
- Kotlin - Used as the primary language for its conciseness, safety and performance.
- Coroutines - Handleasync operations and background tasks efficiently.
- Flow - Used for data streams and reactive UIs.
- Hilt - Fast and lightweight dependency injection framework.
- Jetpack - Modern architecture components like Room, ViewModel, Compose etc.
- Firebase - Used for real-time data sync, crash analytics, cloud functions etc..
- Material Design 3 - Implements the latest Material theming capabilities.
- Testing - Unit tests and UI tests are implemented for robustness.
- Vital Monitoring - Heart rate and respiratory rate measured using mobile sensors.
- External Sensors - Support for integration with professional grade sensors.
- Symptom Tracking - Questionnaires for logging daily symptoms and experiences.
- Cloud Sync - Securely stores data on Firebase and enables real-time remote monitoring.
- Graphs & Reports - Data analyzed and presented through intuitive graphs and reports.
- Exportable Data - CSV export for customized analytics.
Overall, this well-architected and optimized implementation serves as a robust IoT monitoring solution for chronic fatigue syndrome. The codebase demonstrates various best practices that can be applied to any modern mobile app.