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Zenburn theme (only for pango UI)
ethercrow edited this page Feb 23, 2013
1 revision
zenburnTheme = defaultTheme `override` \super _ -> super
{ modelineAttributes = emptyAttributes { foreground = notWhite, background = notBlack , reverseAttr = False }
, modelineFocusStyle = withFg white `mappend` withBg black
, baseAttributes = emptyAttributes { foreground = notWhite, background = notBlack ,reverseAttr = False}
, typeStyle = withFg typ
, selectedStyle = withFg notWhite `mappend` withBg selectBG
, eofStyle = withFg notRed
, hintStyle = withFg notRed
, strongHintStyle = withFg notRed `mappend` withBd True
, errorStyle = withFg notBlack `mappend` withBg notRed
, numberStyle = withFg number
, commentStyle = withFg comment `mappend` withItlc True
, keywordStyle = withFg keyword `mappend` withBd True `mappend` withItlc True
, variableStyle = withFg variable
, operatorStyle = withFg operator
, stringStyle = withFg string
, importStyle = withFg statement
, preprocessorStyle = withFg preproc
foo = "bar"
rgb :: Word32 -> Color
rgb x = RGB (fi (x `shiftR` 16))
(fi (x `shiftR` 8))
(fi x)
fi = fromIntegral
notBlack = rgb 0x3f3f3f
notWhite = rgb 0xdcdccc
keyword = rgb 0xf0dfaf
comment = rgb 0x7f9f7f
variable = rgb 0xefdcbc
operator = rgb 0xf0efd0
number = rgb 0x8cd0d3
typ = rgb 0xdfdfbf
notRed = rgb 0xcc7a00
define = rgb 0xdfcfaf
statement = rgb 0xe3ceab
preproc = rgb 0xffcfaf
selectBG = rgb 0x0f0f0f
string = rgb 0xcc9393