This is a cryptocurrency watchlist application built with Ruby on Rails.
- CoinRanking API.It is a free API that provides cryptocurrency data.
- Faker Gem. It is used to generate fake users.
User Table
Column Name | Data Type |
string | |
password | string |
Cryptocurrency Table
Column Name | Data Type |
uuid | string |
symbol | string |
name | string |
color | string |
icon_url | string |
market_cap | string |
price | string |
listed_at | integer |
tier | integer |
change | string |
rank | integer |
sparkline | text |
low_volume | boolean |
coinranking_url | string |
volume_24h | string |
Watchlist Table
Column Name | Data Type |
user_id | references |
name | string |
CryptocurrenciesWatchlists (Join Table)
Column Name | Data Type |
cryptocurrency_id | references |
watchlist_id | references |
rails generate model Cryptocurrency uuid:string symbol:string name:string color:string icon_url:string market_cap:string price:string listed_at:integer tier:integer change:string rank:integer sparkline:text low_volume:boolean coinranking_url:string 24h_volume:string
rails generate model Watchlist user:references name:string
rails generate model CryptocurrenciesWatchlists cryptocurrency:references watchlist:references
Use Devise to generate the User model.
rails generate devise:install
rails generate devise User
rails generate devise:views
Run the migrations.
rails db:migrate
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :watchlists
has_many :cryptocurrencies, through: :watchlists
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
:recoverable, :rememberable, :validatable
class Cryptocurrency < ApplicationRecord
has_many :cryptocurrencies_watchlists
has_many :watchlists, through: :cryptocurrencies_watchlists
validates :name, presence: true
class Watchlist < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_many :cryptocurrencies_watchlists, dependent: :destroy
has_many :cryptocurrencies, through: :cryptocurrencies_watchlists
validates :user_id, presence: true
validates :name, presence: true
class CryptocurrenciesWatchlist < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :cryptocurrency
belongs_to :watchlist
validates :cryptocurrency_id, presence: true
validates :watchlist_id, presence: true
- Home Page - Information
- About Page - About the APIs and Author
- Coins Page - List all the cryptocurrencies
- Coin Details Page - Show the details of a cryptocurrency
- Sign Up Page - Create an account
- Log In Page - Log in to the application
- Watchlist Page - Show all the cryptocurrencies in the watchlist
- Single Watchlist Page - Show all the cryptocurrencies in the watchlist
Coins page -> Coin details page -> Add to watchlist -> Watchlist page -> Show all coins in the watchlist -> Show all watchlists
Use the kaminari gem to add pagination to the index page.
Easy to search and filter cryptocurrencies by name and rank.
Search a cryptocurrency by name, symbol in Top100 or All or Potential coins.
- Bootstrap 5
- Erb Conditional (if user is logged in, show the watchlist)
- HTML Validation
Use Git and GitHub to track changes and manage version control.
Haven't deployed yet. Plan to deploy to Heroku.
Ruby on Rails 實戰聖經 Good ebook to learn Ruby on Rails.
Learn Ruby on Rails - Full Course FreeCodeCamp Youtube video.
Sample: Board Game A sample project built with Ruby on Rails and deployed to
Many to many association between Cryptocurrency and Watchlist. If you want to add a cryptocurrency to a watchlist, you need to create a CryptocurrenciesWatchlist object. It you want to remove a cryptocurrency from a watchlist, you need to destroy the CryptocurrenciesWatchlist object.
Devise gem If you already have a User model, you need to run the migration to add the devise columns to the User table.
Search in the every page (navbar) I add the search form in the navbar, so I need to add the search function in every controller.
.... A lot of pitfalls to learn.