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Evaluating cross-lingual textual similarity on dictionary alignment

The code and the dataset in this repository has been used in Evaluating cross-lingual textual similarity on dictionary alignment problem.

This repository contains the scripts to prepare the resources as well as open source implementations of the methods. Word Mover's Distance and Sinkhorn implementations are extended from Cross-lingual retrieval with Wasserstein distance and supervised implementation is extended from

git clone
cd Evaluating-Dictionary-Alignment


pip install -r pre_requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
We recommend using a virtual environment

In order to create a virtual environment that resides in a directory .env under your home directory;

cd ~
mkdir -p .env && cd .env
python -m venv evaluating
source ~/.env/evaluating/bin/activate

After the virtual environment is activated, the python interpreter and the installed packages are isolated within. In order for our code to work, the correct environment has to be sourced/activated. In order to install all dependencies automatically use the pip package installer. pre_requirements.text includes requirements that packages in requirements.txt depend on. Both files come with the repository, so first navigate to the repository and then;

# under Evaluating-Dictionary-Alignment
pip install -r pre_requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

Rest of this README assumes that you are in the repository root directory.

Acquiring The Data

nltk is required for this stage;

import nltk'wordnet')



This will create two directories; dictionaries and wordnets. Definition files that are used by the unsupervised methods are in wordnets/ready, they come in pairs, a_to_b.def and b_to_a.def for wordnet definitions in language a and b. The pairs are aligned linewise; definitions on the same line for either file belong to the same wordnet synset, in the respective language.

Language pairs and number of available aligned glosses

Source Language Target Language # of Pairs
English Bulgarian 4959
English Greek 18136
English Italian 12688
English Romanian 58754
English Slovenian 3144
English Albanian 4681
Bulgarian Greek 2817
Bulgarian Italian 2115
Bulgarian Romanian 4701
Greek Italian 4801
Greek Romanian 2144
Greek Albanian 4681
Italian Romanian 10353
Romanian Slovenian 2085
Romanian Albanian 4646

Acquiring The Embeddings

We use VecMap on fastText embeddings. You can skip this step if you are providing your own polylingual embeddings.


  • initialize and update the VecMap submodule;
git submodule init && git submodule update
  • make sure ./get_data is already run and dictionaries directory is present.

  • run;


Bear in mind that this will require around 50 GB free space. The mapped embeddings are stored under bilingual_embedings using the same naming scheme that .def files use.

Quick Demo is included, downloads data for 2 languages and runs WMD (Word Mover's Distance) and SNK (Sinkhorn Distance) methods in matching and retrieval paradigms.


Usage - Word Mover's Distance and Sinkhorn Distance

Aligns definitions using WMD or SNK metrics and matching or retrieval paradigms.

usage: [-h] [-b] [-n INSTANCES]
              source_lang target_lang source_vector target_vector source_defs
              target_defs {all,wmd,snk} {all,retrieval,matching}

align dictionaries using wmd and wasserstein distance

positional arguments:
  source_lang           source language short name
  target_lang           target language short name
  source_vector         path of the source vector
  target_vector         path of the target vector
  source_defs           path of the source definitions
  target_defs           path of the target definitions
  {all,wmd,snk}         which methods to run
                        which paradigms to align with

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b, --batch           running in batch (store results in csv) or running a
                        single instance (output the results)
  -n INSTANCES, --instances INSTANCES
                        number of instances in each language to retrieve


python en bg bilingual_embeddings/en_to_bg.vec bilingual_embeddings/bg_to_en.vec wordnets/ready/en_to_bg.def wordnets/ready/bg_to_en.def wmd retrieval

Will run on English and Bulgarian definitions, using WMD for retrieval. We included a batch script to run WMD and SNK with retrieval and matching on all available language pairs;

./ - Sentence Embedding Representation

usage: [-h] [-n INSTANCES] [-b]
                             source_lang target_lang source_vector
                             target_vector source_defs target_defs

align dictionaries using sentence embedding representation

positional arguments:
  source_lang           source language short name
  target_lang           target language short name
  source_vector         path of the source vector
  target_vector         path of the target vector
  source_defs           path of the source definitions
  target_defs           path of the target definitions
                        which paradigms to align with

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n INSTANCES, --instances INSTANCES
                        number of instances in each language to use
  -b, --batch           running in batch (store results in csv) or running a
                        single instance (output the results)


python it ro bilingual_embeddings/it_to_ro.vec bilingual_embeddings/ro_to_it.vec wordnets/ready/it_to_ro.def wordnets/ready/ro_to_it.def matching

Will run on Italian and Romanian definitions, using sentence embedding representation for matching. We included a batch script to run alignment using sentence embeddings using retrieval and matching on all available language pairs;

./ - Supervised Alignment

usage: [-h] -sl SOURCE_LANG -tl TARGET_LANG -df DATA_FILE
                            -es SOURCE_EMB_FILE -et TARGET_EMB_FILE
                            [-l MAX_LEN] [-z HIDDEN_SIZE] [-b] [-n NUM_ITERS]
                            [-lr LEARNING_RATE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -sl SOURCE_LANG, --source_lang SOURCE_LANG
                        Source language.
  -tl TARGET_LANG, --target_lang TARGET_LANG
                        Target language.
  -df DATA_FILE, --data_file DATA_FILE
                        Path to dataset.
  -es SOURCE_EMB_FILE, --source_emb_file SOURCE_EMB_FILE
                        Path to source embedding file.
  -et TARGET_EMB_FILE, --target_emb_file TARGET_EMB_FILE
                        Path to target embedding file.
  -l MAX_LEN, --max_len MAX_LEN
                        Maximum number of words in a sentence.
  -z HIDDEN_SIZE, --hidden_size HIDDEN_SIZE
                        Number of units in LSTM layer.
  -b, --batch           running in batch (store results to csv) or running in
                        a single instance (output the results)
  -n NUM_ITERS, --num_iters NUM_ITERS
                        Number of iterations/epochs.
  -lr LEARNING_RATE, --learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        Learning rate for optimizer.


python -sl en -tl ro -df ./wordnets/tsv_files/en_to_ro.tsv -es bilingual_embeddings/en_to_ro.vec -et bilingual_embeddings/ro_to_en.vec

Will run on English and Romanian definitions. We included a batch script to run supervised alignment on all available pairs;



If you use this repository (code or dataset) please cite the relevant paper;

	title = {Evaluating cross-lingual textual similarity on dictionary alignment problem},
	issn = {1574-0218},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1007/s10579-020-09498-1},
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2020-07-01},
	journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation},
	author = {Sever, Yiğit and Ercan, Gönenç},
	month = jun,
	year = {2020},


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