In the path ./npc-chisel
, which is a five stage pipline RV32I processor.
make verilog
to generate the verilog code. The details of the design can be found in riscv-core repo.
Currently, we only support the simulation tool is verilator
You can use
make run
in ./npc-chisel
to build the executable and run it with default img.
Or you can use
make ARCH=riscv32e-ysyxsoc run
in other workloads directory to build the executable and run the workload.
ysyx use yosys to do the synthesis.And use iEDA to analyze the timming.
In the path ./nemu
, it has a simple emulator to run the riscv binary.
The usage is as same as npc except you should use ARCH=riscv32-nemu
or ARCH=riscv32e-nemu
The details of this emulator can be found in riscv-emu repo.
AbstractMachine is a minimal, modularized, and machine-independent abstraction layer of the computer hardware:
- physical memory and direct execution (The "Turing Machine");
- basic model for input and output devices (I/O Extension);
- interrupt/exception and processor context management (Context Extension);
- virtual memory and protection (Virtual Memory Extension);
- multiprocessing (Multiprocessing Extension).
All the software acctually run in the abstract machine,which means that it use the abstract machine's interface to interact with the hardware. I use this to test CPU, build a simple OS, etc. The easy way to use it is
make ARCH=riscv32-nemu run
make ARCH=riscv32e-npc run
It will use the corresponding hardware to run the workload(An am software).
Lot of tests are in this repo.
A simple OS which is the content of NJU programming assignment.(PA3-PA4)
Nintendo Entertainment System模拟器
- Opt the area to reach the B stage standard(2.5w)(25.1.1 ~ 25.1.10)
- RV64GC (IMACFA) (25.1.11 ~ 25.2.30)
- BPU,TLB,(virtually tagged)cache
- Porting xv6
- Porting Linux
- Out-of-Order!
- NSCSCC 2025 (25.4 ~ 25.8)
- vcs/iverilog (25.1.1 ~ 25.1.10)
- dc
- Porting xv6 (25.2.30 ~ 25.3.15)
- Porting Linux (25.3.15 ~ 25.3.30)
- Complete the PA4. ⭐️ <= Focus (1 week preview, 1 week PA4.1, 1 week PA4.2, 1 week PA4.3)(24.11.1 ~ 24.11.30)
- Finish jyy lab ⭐️ <= Focus (1 video(include corresponding hw)/2 days) (24.11.1 ~ 25.1.10)
- Finish the xv6 lab (25.1.11 ~ 25.3.30)
- Sdb: freely toggle DiffTest mode
- Sdb: snapshot
- Porting xiangshan toolchains
notes: The todo list is not fixed, and will be updated as the project progresses.