In this folder are four different implementations of the IC-PCP algorithm, see
'Deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithms for infrastructure as a service clouds',
S. Abrishami, M. Naghibzadeh, D. H. Epema,
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (1) (2013) 158–169.
The four different implementations are: greedy implementation of the IC-PCP algorithm more stringent implementation of the IC-PCP algorithm greedy implementation of the IC-PCP algorithm with final repair cycle more stringent implementation of the IC-PCP algorithm with final repair cycle
These four implementations and their performance is described in the paper:
'Profiling the scheduling decisions for handling critical paths in deadline-constrained cloud workflows'
Arie Taal, Junchao Wang, Cees de Laat, Zhiming Zhao
Submitted to Future Generation Computer Systems.
The python code can be used to test the performance of these implementations as described in the file 'Performance_HowTo.txt'.
The zip archive '' contains the different workflow topologies used in the submitted paper.
The excel sheet 'ICPCP_performance.xlsx' contains all performance data with the figures presented in the submitted paper.