- 💼 I'm currently working as a Software Engineer at Indeed, inc.
- 🎓 I received my M.S. degree at NYU, and B.E. degree at NEU.
- 🌱 Enthusiast in software engineering and artificial intelligence.
- 🕹 Guitar, Pingpong, Swimming, Overwatch...
- 📙 I like writing blogs to summarize what I have learnt, unfortunately there are only Chinese articles so far.
- ⚡ Java | Python | C++ | TypeScript
- 🌐 PyTorch | Flask |SpringBoot | React.js
- 🚀 Algorithm | ML/DL |
- 🛢 MySQL | MongoDB | Docker
- 🔧 VS Code | PyCharm | IntelliJ IDEA | Git
- 🖥 Linux | Windows | Mac