TranslaQuick - is an application that may help you to translate any text just entering it in the file on the main screen. The app built using modern tech-stack tools such as Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, SQLDelight, Ktor client and Jetpack Compose.
The application is now available on Google Play Market!
- Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile - is an SDK for iOS and Android app development. It offers all the combined benefits of creating cross-platform and native apps.
- Dagger 2 - is using to manage the dependencies for each component in project.
- SQLDelight is the library that allows to create common database logic and scripts and share it between Android Project and iOS.
- Ktor client is the modern library that allows to write client and server applications using Kotlin.
- Jetpack Compose is Android’s recommended modern toolkit for building native UI. .
- Kotlin Coroutines is using for asynchronous jobs.
- GitHub Actions - is using for CI/CD