git clone
cd northwind-app-with-mvc\NorthwindMvcClient
dotnet run
.\publish.ps1 -Project .\NorthwindMvcClient\
git clone
cd northwind-app-with-mvc\NorthwindApiApp
dotnet run
.\publish.ps1 -Project .\NorthwindApiApp\
Operation | HTTP Verb | URI |
Create | POST | /api/products |
Read (all items) | GET | /api/products |
Read (item) | GET | /api/products/{id} |
Update | PUT | /api/products/{id} |
Delete | DELETE | /api/products/{id} |
Operation | HTTP Verb | URI |
Create | POST | /api/categories |
Read (all items) | GET | /api/categories |
Read (item) | GET | /api/categories/{id} |
Update | PUT | /api/categories/{id} |
Delete | DELETE | /api/categories/{id} |
Operation | HTTP Verb | URI | Request body | Response body |
Upload picture | PUT | /api/categories/{categoryId}/picture | Picture stream | None |
Get picture | GET | /api/categories/{categoryId}/picture | None | Picture stream |
Delete picture | DELETE | /api/categories/{categoryId}/picture | None | None |
Operation | HTTP Verb | URI |
Create | POST | /api/employees |
Read (all items) | GET | /api/employees |
Read (item) | GET | /api/employees/{id} |
Update | PUT | /api/employees/{id} |
Delete | DELETE | /api/employees/{id} |
Operation | HTTP Verb | URI | Request body | Response body |
Upload photo | PUT | /api/employees/{employeeId}/photo | Photo stream | None |
Get photo | GET | /api/employees/{employeeId}/photo | None | Photo stream |
Delete photo | DELETE | /api/employees/{employeeId}/photo | None | None |
Operation | HTTP Verb | URI |
Create | POST | /api/articles |
Read (all items) | GET | /api/articles |
Read (item) | GET | /api/articles/{id} |
Update | PUT | /api/articles/{id} |
Delete | DELETE | /api/articles/{id} |
Create JSON payload structure:
"title": "Gourmet Quality: Mascarpone Fabioli",
"text": "A text that describes Mascarpone Fabioli...",
"authorId": 1
Read (all items) JSON response structure:
"id": 1,
"title": "Gourmet Quality: Mascarpone Fabioli",
"posted": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"authorId": 1,
"authorName": "Nancy Davolio, Sales Representative",
Read (item) JSON response structure:
"id": 1,
"title": "Gourmet Quality: Mascarpone Fabioli",
"posted": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"authorId": 1,
"authorName": "Nancy Davolio, Sales Representative",
"text": "A text that describes Mascarpone Fabioli..."
Update JSON payload structure:
"title": "Gourmet Quality: Mascarpone Fabioli",
"text": "A text that describes Mascarpone Fabioli..."
Operation | HTTP Verb | URI |
Return all related products | GET | /api/articles/{article-id}/products |
Create a link to a product for an article | POST | /api/articles/{article-id}/products/{id} |
Remove an existed link to a product from an article | DELETE | /api/articles/{article-id}/products/{id} |
Operation | HTTP Verb | URI |
Create | POST | /api/articles/{article-id}/comments |
Read (all items) | GET | /api/articles/{article-id}/comments |
Update | PUT | /api/articles/{article-id}/comments/{id} |
Delete | DELETE | /api/articles/{article-id}/comments/{id} |
use following files to configure services
- in production mode: \northwind-app-with-mvc\NorthwindApiApp\appsettings.json
- in development mode: \northwind-app-with-mvc\NorthwindApiApp\appsettings.Development.json
set "Mode" to use one of the following service types
- "Ef" - use local database using Entity Framework Core
- "Sql" use local database using ADO.NET
before using local database services you have to create a database
- create database using SQL script instnwnd.sql
- create stored procedures using this file: \northwind-app-with-mvc\Northwind.DataAccess.SqlServer\sql-scripts\create-procedures.sql
Download script file
curl.exe -LO
SQLCMD.EXE -E -S "(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB" -i .\instnwnd.sql
SQLCMD.EXE -E -S "(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB" -d Northwind -i .\Northwind.DataAccess.SqlServer\sql-scripts\create-procedures.sql
Connect to mssqllocaldb
In case of problems with connecting
SqlLocalDB.exe info MSSQLLocalDB
SqlLocalDB.exe stop MSSQLLocalDB
SqlLocalDB.exe delete MSSQLLocalDB
SqlLocalDB.exe start MSSQLLocalDB
This will delete all your databases located in MSSQLLocalDB. Proceed with caution
Get all databases
SELECT name FROM sys.databases
Run the following command to make the Entity Framework tool available:
dotnet tool restore
Apply migrations:
dotnet ef database update --project Northwind.Services.EntityFrameworkCore.Blogging
set environment variable:
$Env:SQLCONNSTR_NORTHWIND_BLOGGING = 'Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB; Integrated Security=True; Initial Catalog=NorthwindBlogging'
show environment variables:
ls Env:\
set environment variable:
set SQLCONNSTR_NORTHWIND_BLOGGING=Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB; Integrated Security=True; Initial Catalog=NorthwindBlogging
show environment variables: