aims to sample, filter, and summarise single-cell RNA sequencing result, FastQ file. It consists 5 subcommands for the specific tasks.
> ./fastF --help
Usage: fastF <subcommands> [args]
freq: Find all the cell barcode whitelist and their frequencies.
filter: Filter fastq file using cell barcode whitelist and read depth.
crb: Extract CR and CB tags from bam file and summarize them with
frequencies to a tsv file.
bam2db: Filter bam file with desired cell proportion and read depth,
then summarise it UMI matrix.
extract: Extract the tag of bam file and write it to tag_summary.csv.
-h, --help
- Compare to umi-tools whitelist, it extracts all the unique cell barcodes and their frequencies.
> ./fastF freq --help
Find all the cell barcode whitelist and their frequencies.
-h, --help
Basic options
-R, --R1=<str> path to R1 fastq files
-o, --out=<str> path to output whitelist
-l, --len=<int> length of cell barcode
-u, --umi=<int> length of UMI
It is the motivation of the entire project, see the similar questions arised in the community, and FastQDesign.
When filter through the assumed
read depth
, it is compare to seqtk, but it could process allI1
concurrently as needed. -
Even more, it could filter FastQ reads according to the given cell barcode whitelist.
Of course,
andread depth
can be set at the same time.
> ./fastF filter --help
Filter fastq file using cell barcode whitelist and read depth.
-h, --help
Basic options
-I, --I1=<str> optional, path to sample I1 fastq files
-R, --R1=<str> required, path to sample R1 fastq files
-r, --R2=<str> optional, path to sample R2 fastq files
-o, --out=<str> dir to output fastq files
-w, --whitelist=<str> whitelist of cell barcodes
-l, --len=<int> length of cell barcode
-s, --seed=<int> seed for random number generator
-t, --rate=<flt> rate of reads to keep after matching cell barcodes
-a, --allcells keep all reads with cell barcode
Once again, this command is very compared to umi-tools whitelist. Instead of calculating the distance between all the raw cell barcodes, and clustering, it directly uses the tags
information in the bam file produced by cellranger. -
The result is summarise by the corrected cell barcode with its variants, along with their frequencies.
> ./fastF crb --help
Extract CR and CB tags from bam file and summarize them with frequencies to a tsv file.
-h, --help
-b, --bam=<str> path to bam file
-o, --out=<str> path to output directory
: Filter bam file with desired cell proportion and read depth, then summarise it into UMI matrix.
is an upgraded version offilter
, it can automatically findwhitelist
and subsample cell with desired read depth. -
Compared to
, it won't produce the filtered raw FastQ read, instead, it summarises the filtered result as UMI matrix. -
Not to mention, it is extremely computionaly efficient.
> ./fastF bam2db --help
Filter bam file with desired cell proportion and read depth with sqlite3, then summarise it UMI matrix.
-h, --help
-b, --bam=<str> path to bam file
-f, --feature=<str> path to feature list file
-a, --barcode=<str> path to barcode list file
-d, --dbname=<str> name of database
-c, --cell=<flt> rate of cell barcode
-r, --depth=<flt> rate of depth
-o, --out=<str> path to output directory
-s, --seed=<int> seed for random number generator
- This command just can help extract any tag from the bam file.
> ./fastF extract --help
Extract the tag of bam file.
-h, --help
-b, --bam=<str> path to bam file
-t, --tag=<str> tag of bam file
-T, --type=<int> type of tag, 0: string, 1: integer