ChanMonitor is a lib for watch golang channel's load
to know more information see the example
we also provide the http server to get the result
to get all watched channels with json format
use /debug/chan/overflow/json
to get overflow channels with json format
use /debug/chan/overflow/string
to get overflow channels with string format
example-1 overflowd channel len 7 cap 10 len/cap is over 70
- import the lib in go.mod
require v0.1.0
- import the pkg and add channels to monitor
import ""
mon := chanmonitor.NewChanMonitor(50)
c := make(chan int, 10)
mon.AddChan("example-1", c)
- you can use GetSnapshot or GetOverFlowSnapshot get the channels array
do your own business
if you want to set the monitor's interval time,use the
to create the monitor