PWM2logo is a simple tool written in Python to draw DNA sequence logo from Position weight matrix (PWM).
Demo PWM file: ./demo_files/demo_pwm.csv
0.304348, 0.068966, 0.950000, 0.990000, 0.156250, 0.690000, 0.285714, 0.480000, 0.100000, 0.066538, 0.033333, 0.053261, 0.010000, 0.065000,
0.600000, 0.000517, 0.016667, 0.003333, 0.710000, 0.042097, 0.152143, 0.169091, 0.160000, 0.066538, 0.013333, 0.053261, 0.860000, 0.065000,
0.047826, 0.930000, 0.016667, 0.003333, 0.066875, 0.225806, 0.152143, 0.169091, 0.100000, 0.790000, 0.013333, 0.043478, 0.010000, 0.630000,
0.047826, 0.000517, 0.016667, 0.003333, 0.066875, 0.042097, 0.410000, 0.181818, 0.640000, 0.076923, 0.940000, 0.850000, 0.120000, 0.240000,
demo_pwm.csv is a file storing the PWM, where four rows represent the probabilities for 'A', 'C', 'G' and 'T' respectively, multiple columns, each representing a nucleotide position.
Run code below under Python environment:
import pwm2logo
fn_csv = './demo_pwm.csv'
The sequence logo image file is then genereted under the same folder:
Thanks for ImportanceOfBeingErnes and rightskewed from this thread: