This is a bill of materials (BOM) suitable for most OpenSource Java projects as Maven parent pom using Java 8. There is no Java 9+ support at the moment.
It configures:
- The Maven Java compiler plugin to a certain version, e.g. 8 (1.8)
- Takes care that all dependencies have maximum byte code compatible transitive dependencies of certain version e.g. 8 (1.8)
- Checks that all transitive dependencies resolves to common version and forces the developer to declare it e.g. inside the dependency management.
- Adds the Maven information such as name and ids such as artifact id and group id to the Java's jar manifest file
- Creates additional jar files for source and JavaDoc as required by Maven Central for easy access of the source code by IDEs such as Eclipse or IDEA
- Provides JUnit 5 as unit test engine with support for JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 tests so that all unit tests of JUnit 3, 4 and 5 can run at the same time
- Adds *Mockito, AssertJ and Hamcrest support for unit tests
Just reference the BOM as the parent POM in your project's pom.xml:
All versions are stored inside properties for easy adaption e.g. use Java 7 instead of 8: