CBOE 的 VIX GVZ OVX 是反应公众恐慌程度的三个重要指标。 本项目旨在监测期货市场的波动率,以预估当前投资市场整体环境。
A monitor for the cboe futures of vix, gvz and ovx, which are the most important market's index to show the public's panic.
pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt
pip3 install .
# copy and edit your push.ini if needed.
cp ./data/push.back.ini ./data/push.ini
# start the monitor at back
bash ./start_monitor.sh -m restart -i -p
# check if any error occurred
tail ./nohup.out
由于数据格式的问题,需要删除已经下载的 ./data/vix/VIX.csv ./data/gvz/GVZ.csv ./data/ovx/OVX.csv due to the data source changed, you maybe be need to delete the ./data/vix/VIX.csv ./data/gvz/GVZ.csv ./data/ovx/OVX.csv manually.