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System Development-focused Vim: Lightweight yet Comprehensive

This is my personalized Vim configuration, specifically tailored for system development with a focus on C programming. However, utilizing coc.nvim, you can effortlessly customize the development environment for other programming languages.

Furthermore, my configuration is lightweight and modularized, making it straightforward for you to extend and adapt to more complex setups.



  • vim 9.0+ (for sms) with python3 support
  • ripgrep
  • fd
  • nodejs >= 12.0
  • Universal ctags >= 6.0
  • A terminal emulator with true-color support (for the light-pink theme)

Installation guide

You need to clone this repo into your home directory:

git clone

and then you run vim in your terminal. Press esc to skip the warning prompted by the missing plugin, use :PlugInstall to install the plugin with vim-plug. After the plugin's installation, LeaderF will compile something for itself and Coc.nvim will automitically install coc-json, coc-clangd, coc-vimlsp, respectively.

Then, quit and restart vim to enjoy my configuration.


Keybinding are in two parts: one for common bindings and the other for plugin's bindings.

Common Bindings

The leader key is space.

Window Split

Command Default Description
sh :set nosplitright<CR>:vsplit<CR> Vertically split the window with the cursor in the left pane.
sj :set splitbelow<CR>:split<CR> Horizontally split the window with the cursor in the bottom pane.
sk :set nosplitbelow<CR>:split<CR> Horizontally split the window with the cursor in the top pane.
sl :set splitright<CR>:split<CR> Vertically split the window with the cursor in the right pane.
<leader>h :wincmd h<CR> Move the cursor to the left pane.
<leader>j :wincmd j<CR> Move the cursor to the bottom pane.
<leader>k :wincmd k<CR> Move the cursor to the top pane.
<leader>l :wincmd l<CR> Move the cursor to the right pane.

Tab Management

Command Default Description
<C-u> :tabe<CR> move cursor to the left for one
<C-k> :-tabnext<CR> move cursor down for one
<C-l> :+tabnext<CR> move cursor up for one

Plugin Bindings

The plugin bindings are defined in their respective configuration files located at .vim/after/plugin/{plugin's name}.vim. To review specific key bindings, you can access the configuration files associated with each plugin, such as coc.vim.


Plugin Management

I use vim-plug to manage the vim plugin.

If you want to install/uninstall plugin, add/remove the specific plugin into/from .vim/plugin/plug.vim, then run source $MYVIMRC or restart the vim to run PlugInstall/PlugClean.

For more details about to manipulate the plug, please check the vim-plug's document.

Input Enhancement

Plugin's name Description
vim-surround Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease.
wildfire Smart selection of the closest text object.
vim-unimpaired Pairs of handy bracket mappings.
auto-pairs Vim plugin, insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair

Language Support

Plugin's name Description
Coc.nvim Nodejs extension host for vim & neovim, load extensions like VSCode and host language servers.
vim-gutentags A Vim plugin that manages your tag files.
copilot.vim Neovim plugin for GitHub Copilot.
LeaderF An efficient fuzzy finder that helps to locate files, buffers, mrus, gtags, etc. on the fly for both vim and neovim.
vim-snippets vim-snipmate default snippets.
vimtex VimTeX: A modern Vim and neovim filetype plugin for LaTeX files.

Platform Specefic Plugins

Plugin's name Description
fcitx.vim keep and restore fcitx state when leaving/re-entering insert mode
vim-wayland-clipboard Integrate Vim's '+' register with the Wayland system clipboard.




Personal vim config







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