Aim to help web developers to calculate the actual coding time on their projects. Take The Title (TIMER) of the website and store it locally make you able to close the browser and start again at any time.
Congratulations we just release our 1.0.1
+ Improve the UX and make the codeTimer appear at startup and after click or hover take opacity
- You will find the codeTimer at the bottom right corner just hover it.
- Press Start to start the timer.
- press Pause to pause it.
- Press Save to save the current time and enables you to close the browser and come back at any time.
- You will find the timer session on the Tab Name on your browser.
- To delete the local storage
at the console.
You can choose from one of the bellow options:
Clone the repo:
git clone
Add the script from CDN :
<script src=""></script>
Copyright (C) 2017 zogorn. Code released under dual license, the MIT license with the below notice.
You have full freedom in the use of this product in any purpose but is not contrary to the teachings
mentioned in The Holy Quran.