2.1.0 (2025-02-03)
Feature: GitHub issue #224 : USS files and folders: owner, permissions and other specifics for the entities (0dfb055c )
Feature: GitHub issue #223 : Add hint to the working set option in plus dropdown (c8bfba3c )
Feature: GitHub issue #222 : Settings -> Clear files cache (8b71d7f0 )
Feature: GitHub issue #221 : JES Explorer: add settings for return codes (f98817b8 )
Feature: GitHub issue #220 : Dataset allocation dialog: enchancements (451b7900 )
Feature: GitHub issue #219 : Add colouring for JES job results (6fc1974e )
Feature: GitHub issue #218 : Dataset templates: PDS/E template (451b7900 )
Feature: GitHub issue #217 : Tooltips for columns in settings (96aafcb4 )
Feature: GitHub issue #216 : Decide what to do with requesters (6a3e55ad )
Feature: GitHub issue #215 : Remove usage of library (14f6c482 )
Feature: GitHub issue #210 : Ability to run REXX members directly from the File Explorer view (via a TSO EXEC) (6661f255 )
Feature: Working sets and masks deletion for several elements (399f9f97 )
Feature: Make sync operations blocking (fbf42408 )
Feature: USS Properties: change feature for owner and group (3696042f )
Feature: Disable "Reopen session" button for TSO Console when CredentialsNotFound exception appears (8bdc90c4 )
Feature: Now if the Zowe config is already parsed, the plugin gives an option to edit the existing config (1cb03710 )
Feature: When zowe.config.json is opened, plus button appears if the connection is not added yet (185e0dd2 )
Feature: Zowe connection indexes added (4646b27a )
Bugfix: Fixed zowe.config.json: connection is not deleted correctly (38012f3b )
Bugfix: Fixed USS path display (97be3b24 )
Bugfix: Fixed SonarCloud analysis issue for passwords (cfda6e67 )
Bugfix: Fixed a file downloading without read permission (2bd8b3d6 )
Bugfix: Fixed the new name functionality in case of name conflict does not apply when copying to the same member (7fb4d746 )
Bugfix: Fixed renaming member in one dataset was causing a "load more" to appear in the same dataset in one of the masks (2e956c78 )
Bugfix: Fixed error during a file move (16665ed6 )
Bugfix: Fixed creating a file or folder does not trigger refresh action for the intersecting mask (6a7a2eb3 )
Bugfix: Fixed invalid refresh cache date for nodes in case fetching was canceled by user (d7682be0 )
Bugfix: Fixed issue with "Delete" button was disabled when multiple entities are selected (33f23417 )
Bugfix: Fixed remote conflict issue (82b6fb7b )
Bugfix: Fixed invalid message in tree related to a server certificate (82b4af43 )
Bugfix: Fixed regex analysis failure (6b00aa4c )
Bugfix: Fixed issue with connection delete (dee0202e )
Bugfix: Fixed connection not showing after creation (b1cdf610 )
Bugfix: Fixed error when uploading local file to USS (c5dcd7fa )
Bugfix: Fixed issue when error message does not disappear after errors are corrected in a Job Filter (64a6d209 )
Bugifx: Fixed NullPointerException on cancel operation (fa2eaf5b )
You can’t perform that action at this time.