Release 0.2.0-52
0.2.0-52 (2022-02-09)
Bug Fixes 🛠
- plugins/db: fix db-hash plugin which hangs the server which using plugin (a152836)
- plugins/sessionmanager: move more redundant tasks to the main create session function (386c928)
Code Refactoring 🖌
- plugins/google: fix google oauth helpers to update to latest changes (1ed3083)
- plugins/healthcheck: refactor health-check.ts file (ee8e594)
- routes/setup: refactor all routes which require changes as per latest updates (556c88e)
- types: move files inside types to a proper folder structure (4492166)
Build System 🏗
- packages: add passport,google-oauth,twitter-oauth packages (735b5a0)
Tests 🧪
- tests/rest: add latest routes rest based tests (05a4de1)
Features 🔥
- app.ts: add passport initialize function after db connects (55fcb37)
- model/credentials: change credential schema to support more oauth features (1f2b68f)
- models/user: change user schema to support oauth based logins (cf13987)
- oauth/google: write oauth authenticate action for login with google function (21b269a)
- oauth/helpers: write passport authenticate tranform function for proper error handling (79a1aff)
- oauth/helpers: write passport function for oauth user verification (ab8921e)
- oauth/helpers: write passport initialize function that initializes all the clients (78fab85)
- oauth/twitter: write oauth authenticate action for login with twitter function (c9f2172)
- routes/login: write router for google oauth login (dffefe1)
- routes/login: write router for twitter oauth login (95cc509)