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    Play SoundPlayDataString

You must specify the following include and the port of the sound device.

    #include <songplay.h>
    #define SOUNDOUT PORTN.N

Command Availability:: Available on all microcontrollers.

Explanation: This command will plays a QBASIC sequence of notes. The SoundPlayDataString is a string representing a musical note or notes to play where Notes are A to G.

Command Description
A - G May be followed by length: 2 = half note, 4 = quarter, also may be followed by # or + (sharp) or - (flat).
On Sets current octave. n is octave from 0 to 6
Pn Pause playing. n is length of rest
Ln: Set default note length. n = 1 to 8.
< or > Change down or up an octave
Tn: Sets tempo in L4s/minute. n = 32 to 255, default 120.
Nn Play note n. n = 0 to 84, 0 = rest.

Unsupported QBASIC commands are

Command Description
M Play mode
. Changes note length

For more information on the QBASIC PLAY command set, see


    'Sample program to play a string
    'on PORTB bit 1.
    #chip 16F877A, 20
    #include <songplay.h>
    #define SoundOut PORTB.1

    play "C C# C C#"

For more help, see Sound Overview

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