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Anobium edited this page Oct 18, 2020 · 1 revision



    Put Line, Column, Character

Command Availability:

Available on all microcontrollers.


The Put command writes the given ASCII character code to the current location on the LCD.

Line is line number on the LCD display. A byte value from 0 to 255.

Column is column number on the LCD display. A byte value from 0 to 255.

Character is the requried ASCII code. A byte value from 0 to 255.

Example :

    'A scrolling star for Great Cow BASIC

    'Misc Settings
    #define SCROLL_DELAY 250 ms

    'General hardware configuration
    #chip 16F877A, 20

    'LCD connection settings
    #define LCD_IO 8
    #define LCD_RS PORTD.0
    #define LCD_RW PORTD.1
    #define LCD_Enable PORTD.2

    'Main routine
    For StarPos = 0 To 16
        If StarPos = 0 Then
            Put 0, 16, 32
            Put 0, 0, 42
            Put 0, StarPos - 1, 32
            Put 0, StarPos, 42
        End If
        Wait SCROLL_DELAY

For more help, see LCD Overview

Supported in <LCD.H>

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