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File data definitions

YifanC edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 17 revisions

MC Truth (aka GENIE)

The MC truth is organized as two datasets: one for event summary information (the genie_hdr) and one for the particle stack (the genie_stack). This is a short explanation of the variables in each and their units (if applicable). The MC truth datasets are introduced in this form starting with the HDF5 converted edep-sim files and are the same for larndsim and ndflow output (although might have a different top-level name).

Event summary info (genie_hdr)

There is one entry per GENIE interaction in the array.

  • eventID: unique ID for an interesting window of time; for beam events this corresponds to a spill (in older files this is called spillID)
  • vertexID: the vertex ID number, corresponds to an individual generator interaction
  • vertex: the position of the interaction vertex (x,y,z,t) in [cm]
  • target: the Z value of the struck nucleus
  • isCC: True if charged-current event, False if neutral-current event
  • isXYZ: boolean flags for identifying interaction types, which come from the GENIE reaction string, and are mutually exclusive; currently supported types:
    • isQES: quasi-elastic
    • isMEC: meson-exchange current (also known as multi-nucleon)
    • isRES: resonant pion production
    • isDIS: deep inelastic scattering
    • isCOH: coherent scattering
  • Enu: incident neutrino energy in [MeV]
  • nu_4mom: incident neutrino 4-momentum vector (px, py, pz, E) in [MeV]
  • nu_pdg: incident neutrino PDG code
  • Elep: outgoing lepton energy in [MeV]
  • lep_mom: outgoing lepton momentum in [MeV]
  • lep_ang: angle between the outgoing lepton and the neutrino beam direction in [degrees]
  • lep_pdg: outgoing lepton PDG code
  • q0: energy transfer in [MeV]
  • q3: magnitude of the momentum transfer in [MeV]
  • Q2: 4-momentum transfer squared in [MeV^2]
  • x: bjorken x, defined as Q^2 / (2 * nucleon_mass * q0) where the nucleon mass is simply the proton mass
  • y: inelasticity y, defined as 1 - (Elep / Enu)

Particle stack (genie_stack)

There is one entry per particle in the array. Match eventID to find all the particles for a given interaction across different array entries. Currently only contains the initial and final state particles for the interaction.

  • eventID: unique ID for an interesting window of time; for beam events this corresponds to a spill (in older files this is called spillID)
  • vertexID: the vertex ID number, corresponds to an individual generator interaction
  • trackID: the edep-sim trajectory ID that corresponds to this MC particle; otherwise -999 if no matching trajectory
  • part_4mom: the particle 4-momentum vector (px, py, pz, E) in [MeV]
  • part_pdg: the particle PDG code
  • part_status: 0 if initial state particle, 1 if final state particle (as defined by GENIE)

edep-sim Truth

The edep-sim truth information is organized as two datasets: one for the true particle trajectories and one for the true energy deposits/segments. These datasets are introduced in this form starting with the HDF5 converted edep-sim files and have the same structure for larndsim and ndflow output (although might have a different top-level name). Both datasets are a near one-to-one translation from the edep-sim ROOT data structures.


These are the true particle trajectories (or paths) through the detector for all particles, both neutral and charged, excluding the incident neutrino. Each true particle may have multiple trajectories if the trajectory was split/broken by edep-sim with each having their own unique track ID.

  • eventID: unique ID for an interesting window of time; for beam events this corresponds to a spill (in older files this is called spillID)
  • vertexID: the vertex ID number, corresponds to an individual generator interaction
  • trackID: the monotonic track ID, guaranteed to be unique within a file
  • local_trackID: the original edep-sim track ID, may not be unique
  • parentID: the track ID of the parent track, if trajectory is a primary particle the ID is -1
  • E_start: the total energy in [MeV] at the start of the trajectory
  • pxyz_start: the momentum 3-vector (px, py, pz) in [MeV] at the start of the trajectory
  • xyz_start: the start position 3-vector (x, y, z) in [cm] of the trajectory (specifically the position of the first trajectory point)
  • t_start: the start time of the trajectory in [us]
  • E_end: the total energy in [MeV] at the end of the trajectory
  • pxyz_end: the momentum 3-vector (px, py, pz) in [MeV] at the end of the trajectory
  • xyz_end: the end position 3-vector (x, y, z) in [cm] of the trajectory (specifically the position of the last trajectory point)
  • t_end: the end time of the trajectory in [us]
  • pdgId: the PDG code of the particle
  • start_process: physics process for the start of the trajectory as defined by GEANT4
  • start_subprocess: physics subprocess for the start of the trajectory as defined by GEANT4
  • end_process: physics process for the end of the trajectory as defined by GEANT4
  • end_subprocess: physics subprocess for the end of the trajectory as defined by GEANT4

tracks (or segments)

These are the true energy deposits (or energy segments) for active parts of the detector from edep-sim. Each track/segment corresponds to some amount of energy deposited over some distance. Some variables are filled during the larndsim stage of processing.

  • eventID: unique ID for an interesting window of time; for beam events this corresponds to a spill (in older files this is called spillID)
  • vertexID: the vertex ID number, corresponds to an individual generator interaction
  • segment_id: the segment ID number (TODO: add more info)
  • trackID: the track ID of the edep-sim trajectory that created this energy deposit
  • x_start: the x start position [cm]
  • y_start: the y start position [cm]
  • z_start: the z start position [cm]
  • t0_start: the start time [us]
  • x_end: the x end position [cm]
  • y_end: the y end position [cm]
  • z_end: the z end position [cm]
  • t0_end: the start time [us]
  • x: the x mid-point of the segment [cm] -> (x_start + x_end) / 2
  • y: the y mid-point of the segment [cm] -> (y_start + y_end) / 2
  • z: the z mid-point of the segment [cm] -> (z_start + z_end) / 2
  • t0: the time mid-point [us] -> (t0_start + t0_end) / 2
  • pdgID: PDG code of the particle that created this energy deposit
  • dE: the energy deposited in this segment [MeV]
  • dx: the length of this segment [cm]
  • dEdx: the calculated energy per length [MeV/cm]
  • tran_diff: (ADD INFO)
  • long_diff: (ADD INFO)
  • n_electrons: (ADD INFO)
  • n_photons: (ADD INFO)
  • pixel_plane: (ADD INFO)
  • t/t_start/t_end: (ADD INFO)

ND-Flow output


        x              f8, pixel x location [mm]
        y              f8, pixel y location [mm]
        z              f8, pixel z location [mm]
        t_drift        f8, drift time [ticks???] (uses u8 in doc string)
        ts_pps         u8, PPS packet timestamp [ticks] (uses f8 in doc string)
        Q              f8, hit charge [ke-]
        E              f8, hit energy [MeV]


        id              u8, unique identifier per event
        nhit            u4, number of hits in event
        ADC             f8, total charge in event [mV] (labelled q in doc string)
        ts_start        f8, first external trigger or hit corrected PPS timestamp [ticks]
        ts_end          f8, last external trigger of hit corrected PPS timestamp [ticks]
        n_ext_trigs     u4, number of external triggers in event
        unix_ts         u8, unix timestamp of event [s since epoch]


        id          u8, unique identifier per event
        ts          f8, corrected PPS timestamp [ticks]
        ts_raw      u8, PPS timestamp [ticks]
        type        i2, trigger type from PACMAN
        iogroup     u1, PACMAN id


For packet info, right now redirect to:


        id          u8, unique event identifier
        unix_ts     u8, unix timestamp of event [s since epoch]


        x_pix          f8, pixel x location [mm]
        y_pix          f8, pixel y location [mm]
        z_pix          f8, pixel z location [mm]
        ts_pps         u8, PPS packet timestamp [ticks]
        ADC            u1, hit charge [ADC]


        id          u4,     unique identifier
        ts          f8,     PPS timestamp to be used for T0 [crs ticks]
        ts_err      f8,     estimated error on T0 [crs ticks]
        type        u1,     type indicator for T0 algorithm used, see attr. ``type_lookup`` for value definitions