All of the dependencies are in the conda_env.yml
file. They can be installed manually or with the following command:
conda env create -f conda_env.yml
After the installation ends you can activate your environment with:
conda activate resact
To train a ResAct agent on the cheetah run
task from image-based observations run ./
from the root of this directory. The ./
file contains the following command, which you can modify to try different environments / hyperparamters.
--domain_name cheetah \
--task_name run \
--decoder_type identity \
--encoder_type pixel --work_dir ./logs/cheetah \
--action_repeat 4 --num_eval_episodes 10 \
--pre_transform_image_size 100 --image_size 108 \
--agent resact --frame_stack 3 --data_augs translate \
--seed 1 --critic_lr 2e-4 --actor_lr 2e-4 --eval_freq 20 --batch_size 128 \
--num_train_steps 200000
In your console, you should see printouts that look like this:
| train | E: 1 | S: 1000 | D: 0.8 s | R: 0.0000 | BR: 0.0000 | ALOSS: 0.0000 | CLOSS: 0.0000 | RLOSS: 0.0000
The above output decodes as:
train - training episode
E - total number of episodes
S - total number of environment steps
D - duration in seconds to train 1 episode
R - episode reward
BR - average reward of sampled batch
A_LOSS - average loss of actor
CLOSS - average loss of critic
RLOSS - average reconstruction loss (only if it is trained from pixels and decoder)
while an evaluation entry:
| eval | S: 0 | ER: 0
which just tells the expected reward ER
evaluating current policy after S
steps. Note that ER
is average evaluation performance over num_eval_episodes
episodes (usually 10).
All data related to the run is stored in the specified working_dir
. To enable model or video saving, use the --save_model
or --save_video
flags. For all available flags, inspect
. To visualize progress with tensorboard run:
tensorboard --logdir log --port 6006
and go to localhost:6006
in your browser. If you're running headlessly, try port forwarding with ssh.
Download CARLA from, e.g.: (0.9.6)
Add to your python path:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path_to_carla/carla/PythonAPI
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path_to_carla/carla/PythonAPI/carla
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path_to_carla/carla/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.6-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg
Start CARLA simulator in terminal 1:
cd path_to_carla
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ./ -graphicsadapter=0 -carla-rpc-port=10000 -opengl -RenderOffScreen
Run training script in terminal 2:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ./ --agent resact --domain_name carla --port 10000