C's Utils is a utility library made mainly for Unity though some features may be used in pure C#.
It contains mainly Quality of Life additions to Unity ranging from something as simple as string formatting to as complex as an inventory system. All aspects of C's Utils are meant to be extensible, meaning you can override and create your own version of most features in this library. Features are mostly aimed towards the 3D aspect of Unity but may be also be used for 2D development.
LeanTween (included in the package)
Newtonsoft.Json (included in the package)
Extensions to Arrays, Colliders, Colours, Transforms and Vectors to make working with them easier
UI Animations for prototyping such as hover sizing, fade helper, text writing effect, timed text shower
Singleton Pattern
Multiple Tags per Gameobject
Weighted Randomness
Delayed Function Calls
More Complex Systems such as Logging System, Data Saving System, Inventory System
And More