Releases: R-C137/CsUtils
C's Utils Package v0.1.4
Internal function, AutoLog() now supports minimal formatting when C's logging is not available
Data-Saving system now outputs verbose information about clashing IDs and paths
InputQuery now supports any key press from a list
Context Menu Builder now returns the gameobject of the created context menu
Persistent Properties can now be manually updated
Data-Saving system now supports saving lists & arrays natively (even nested ones)
C's Utils Package v0.1.3
Data saving now supports scriptableobjects natively
Added an optional obfuscation system with default obfuscators
Back-end improvements to the data-saving system
Singletons can now be cleared
C's Utils Package v0.1.2
Various bug fixes, especially related to the data-saving system
Singleton no longer destroys duplicates of the same instance
Modules are now in their own namespaces
Fixed ticker system sometimes missing ticks. Ticker system now supports non-integer tick rates
C's Utils Package v0.1.1
UI Utilities + Improved Delayed Calls Delayed calls can now be cancelled and the gameobject containing the monobehaviour handling these calls has been unified Added a utility for dragging a UI element Added a utility for showing a UI element on hover of another UI element given a delay and option drag
C's Utils Unity Package v0.1.0
Asset Store Package Setup