I'm Robe Santoro, a freelance 3D Generalist with over 15 years of experience in Motion Graphic Design and 3D Animation for Architectural Projection-Mapping. I worked on many projects for clients such as Sony, Samsung, HTC, Vodafone, Philip Morris, AUDI...
In 2018 I founded Blending Pixels, a collective of artists, designers, and technicians specializing in content creation for large-scale projects, set and visual design for opera, and performing arts working on massive installations for concerts featuring Placido Domingo, Andrea Bocelli...
During all those years as a Wannabe Creative Coder, I've done lots of scripting
in Maya MEL and Python, creating custom tools to optimize processes and workflow for my team and me.
During the first wave of the pandemic, I decided to extend my knowledge in programming, and I started a full-stack course, deepening my OOP skills on the one hand and learning the ThreeJS library on the other to bring my CG knowledge to the web.
Since 2022, I've also been using the Blender Python API to create tools for Matterport 3D Spaces for Dimensione3 and other tools and pipeline automation.
Check this repo ReadyPlayerMe - Blender Tools, a collection of Blender tools for helping explore the Ready Player Me API...
Recently, I started working on a Blender Addon to transform Blender scenes into Scrolling 3D experiences using React Three Fiber and Drei components: Blender2React
With it, I created Publifest and 4D Suite Touchwall App experiences.
Studying the integration of 3d objects inside Gaussian Splats scenes: https://github.com/RobeSantoro/uniba-gsplat)