This Blender Addon is a learning project. It started as an ambitious project to generate react-three-fiber and Drei components from a Blender scene, but it is still a messy work in progress.
I created it during the development of this animated scrolling home page for a client. I wanted to create some tools to automate tedious tasks and to learn more about Blender API and react-three-fiber, focusing on Drei components.
Clone the repository to your Blender addons folder or download the zip and install it from the Blender preferences.
- Save the Blender scene.
- Set the root path where you want the react-three-fiber project to be created.
- Set the name of the react-three-fiber project.
Note: The project name will be used as the name of the react-three-fiber project. If you not specify a name, "r3f-project" will be used, and the project will be created next to the Blender scene.
Set the absolute path of the public folder where to export
Start Dev Server
Open Project in VSCode
Open Project in Explorer
Create a Component Structure to hold the exported react-three-fiber components. (Suspense, Canvas, Lights, Camera, etc.)
Manage the Camera Export to glb.
I found a way to attach the default camera of the
in a useFrame in the following way, by animating two eEmpties in the blender scene.The first one represent the camera position and is the parent of the actual camera which has a Track To modifier the point to the second empty, which represent the camera aim.
import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useFrame } from '@react-three/fiber'
import { useScroll, useGLTF, useAnimations } from '@react-three/drei'
export default function Camera(props) {
const scrollData = useScroll()
const { scene, nodes, animations } = useGLTF('/camera-transformed.glb')
const { actions } = useAnimations(animations, scene)
useEffect(() => void (actions['camera'].time = 0), [actions])
useFrame(({ mouse, camera }) => {
// Get the camera nulls
const camera_null = nodes['Camera_Pos'].position
const camera_aim_null = nodes['Camera_Aim'].position
camera.position.x = camera_null.x
camera.position.y = camera_null.y
camera.position.z = camera_null.z
const action = actions['camera']
action.time = scrollData.offset * props.multiplier
useEffect(() => void (actions['camera'].play().paused = true), [actions])
return <primitive object={scene} props />
Note that in the props I'm passing a multiplier to the camera component, to control the speed of the animation based on the actual scroll.
Create a react-three-fiber component for each Collection.
Create a react-three-fiber component for selected Collection.
Add a useScroll hook to the exported component.
Push Down Selected: Push-down the action of the selected object to its NLA track.
Rename Tracks: Rename the tracks of the active collection to match the name of the collection itself.
Rename Geometry: Rename the geometry of the selected object using the
object name
At the moment you can Work on the animation in the blender scene, and set up the react-three-fiber project as you want*. The export will export the NLA track to the R3F Export Path (public folder)
Export All: Export all the Collections to .glb files and
react-three-fiber components. -
Export Active: Export the Active Collection to a .glb file and
a react-three-fiber component.