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Testing Plan: Interface

DancingBrian edited this page Sep 2, 2021 · 5 revisions

Title Screen

As the title screen is primarily about the layout of the UI elements on the screen, we decided that unit testing will have less benefit than periodic manual testing.

The following videos illustrate the periodic manual testing process:


The HUD consists primarily of UI elements and therefore it was decided that manually testing through visual inspection would be the most benefical, i.e. checking the green health bars on the left center are visible in game.

Dialogue Boxes

Manual/debug testing

The dialogue box is a UI element which benefits from visually testing the component. This involves creating and displaying a dialogue box through debug commands ("printDialogue TEXT;TEXT2" and "pd") created and tweaking the visual parameters (width, height, fonts, backgrounds etc.) to suit. The window is also resized to ensure that the dialogue box remains readable and visually appealing at different window sizes.

Automated testing

Unit tests were created for the Dialogue component to test if the right dialogue is being returned for each iteration. Unit test file: source/core/src/test/com/deco2800/game/components/dialoguebox/

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