Use kong instead of kingpin #1690
10 errors
"" imported as saml2aws and not used
"" imported and not used
cli.CommonFlags undefined (type CLI has no field or method CommonFlags)
cannot use cli.Script (variable of type struct{Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""; Shell string "help:\"Type of shell environment\" default:\"bash\" enum:\"bash,/bin/sh,powershell,fish,env\""}) as *flags.LoginExecFlags value in argument to commands.Script
cannot use cli.Login (variable of type struct{Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; DuoMFAOption string "help:\"The MFA option you want to use to authenticate with\" env:\"SAML2AWS_DUO_MFA_OPTION\" enum:\"Passcode,Duo Push\""; ClientID string "help:\"OneLogin client id, used to generate API access token\" env:\"ONELOGIN_CLIENT_ID\""; ClientSecret string "help:\"OneLogin client secret, used to generate API access token\" env:\"ONELOGIN_CLIENT_SECRET\""; MFAIPAddress string "help:\"IP address whitelisting defined in OneLogin MFA policies\" env:\"ONELOGIN_MFA_IP_ADDRESS\""; Force bool "help:\"Refresh credentials even if not expired\""; CredentialProcess bool "help:\"Enables AWS Credential Process support by outputting credentials to STDOUT in a JSON message\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""; SAMLCache bool "help:\"Caches the SAML response\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CACHE_SAML\""; SAMLCacheFile string "help:\"The location of the SAML cache file\" env:\"SAML2AWS_SAML_CACHE_FILE\""; DownloadBrowser bool "help:\"Automatically download browsers for Browser IDP\" env:\"SAML2AWS_AUTO_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD\""; DisableSessions bool "help:\"Do not use Okta sessions\" env:\"SAML2AWS_OKTA_DISABLE_SESSIONS\""; DisableRemember bool "help:\"Do not remember Okta MFA device\" env:\"SAML2AWS_OKTA_DISABLE_REMEMBER_DEVICE\""}) as *flags.LoginExecFlags value in argument to commands.Login
cannot use cli.Exec (variable of type struct{Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; ExecProfile string "help:\"The AWS profile to utilize for command execution\" env:\"SAML2AWS_EXEC_PROFILE\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""; Command []string "arg:\"\" name:\"command\" help:\"The command to execute\""}) as *flags.LoginExecFlags value in argument to commands.Exec
cannot use cli.Console (variable of type struct{ExecProfile string "help:\"The AWS profile to utilize for console execution\" env:\"SAML2AWS_EXEC_PROFILE\""; Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; Force bool "help:\"Refresh credentials even if not expired\""; Link bool "help:\"Present link to AWS console instead of opening browser\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""}) as *flags.ConsoleFlags value in argument to commands.Console
cannot use cli.ListRoles (variable of type struct{SAMLCache bool "help:\"Caches the SAML response\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CACHE_SAML\""; SAMLCacheFile string "help:\"The location of the SAML cache file\" env:\"SAML2AWS_SAML_CACHE_FILE\""}) as *flags.LoginExecFlags value in argument to commands.ListRoles
cannot use cli.Configure (variable of type struct{AppID string "help:\"OneLogin app id required for SAML assertion\" env:\"ONELOGIN_APP_ID\""; ClientID string "help:\"OneLogin client id, used to generate API access token\" env:\"ONELOGIN_CLIENT_ID\""; ClientSecret string "help:\"OneLogin client secret, used to generate API access token\" env:\"ONELOGIN_CLIENT_SECRET\""; Subdomain string "help:\"OneLogin subdomain of your company account\" env:\"ONELOGIN_SUBDOMAIN\""; MFAIPAddress string "help:\"IP address whitelisting defined in OneLogin MFA policies\" env:\"ONELOGIN_MFA_IP_ADDRESS\""; Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; ResourceID string "help:\"F5APM SAML resource ID of your company account\" env:\"SAML2AWS_F5APM_RESOURCE_ID\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""; SAMLCache bool "help:\"Caches the SAML response\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CACHE_SAML\""; SAMLCacheFile string "help:\"The location of the SAML cache file\" env:\"SAML2AWS_SAML_CACHE_FILE\""; DisableSessions bool "help:\"Do not use Okta sessions\" env:\"SAML2AWS_OKTA_DISABLE_SESSIONS\""; DisableRemember bool "help:\"Do not remember Okta MFA device\" env:\"SAML2AWS_OKTA_DISABLE_REMEMBER_DEVICE\""}) as *flags.CommonFlags value in argument to commands.Configure
Process completed with exit code 1.