Use kong instead of kingpin #1690
10 errors and 1 warning
"" imported as saml2aws and not used
"" imported and not used
cli.CommonFlags undefined (type CLI has no field or method CommonFlags)
cannot use cli.Script (variable of type struct{Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""; Shell string "help:\"Type of shell environment\" default:\"bash\" enum:\"bash,/bin/sh,powershell,fish,env\""}) as *flags.LoginExecFlags value in argument to commands.Script
cannot use cli.Login (variable of type struct{Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; DuoMFAOption string "help:\"The MFA option you want to use to authenticate with\" env:\"SAML2AWS_DUO_MFA_OPTION\" enum:\"Passcode,Duo Push\""; ClientID string "help:\"OneLogin client id, used to generate API access token\" env:\"ONELOGIN_CLIENT_ID\""; ClientSecret string "help:\"OneLogin client secret, used to generate API access token\" env:\"ONELOGIN_CLIENT_SECRET\""; MFAIPAddress string "help:\"IP address whitelisting defined in OneLogin MFA policies\" env:\"ONELOGIN_MFA_IP_ADDRESS\""; Force bool "help:\"Refresh credentials even if not expired\""; CredentialProcess bool "help:\"Enables AWS Credential Process support by outputting credentials to STDOUT in a JSON message\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""; SAMLCache bool "help:\"Caches the SAML response\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CACHE_SAML\""; SAMLCacheFile string "help:\"The location of the SAML cache file\" env:\"SAML2AWS_SAML_CACHE_FILE\""; DownloadBrowser bool "help:\"Automatically download browsers for Browser IDP\" env:\"SAML2AWS_AUTO_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD\""; DisableSessions bool "help:\"Do not use Okta sessions\" env:\"SAML2AWS_OKTA_DISABLE_SESSIONS\""; DisableRemember bool "help:\"Do not remember Okta MFA device\" env:\"SAML2AWS_OKTA_DISABLE_REMEMBER_DEVICE\""}) as *flags.LoginExecFlags value in argument to commands.Login
cannot use cli.Exec (variable of type struct{Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; ExecProfile string "help:\"The AWS profile to utilize for command execution\" env:\"SAML2AWS_EXEC_PROFILE\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""; Command []string "arg:\"\" name:\"command\" help:\"The command to execute\""}) as *flags.LoginExecFlags value in argument to commands.Exec
cannot use cli.Console (variable of type struct{ExecProfile string "help:\"The AWS profile to utilize for console execution\" env:\"SAML2AWS_EXEC_PROFILE\""; Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; Force bool "help:\"Refresh credentials even if not expired\""; Link bool "help:\"Present link to AWS console instead of opening browser\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""}) as *flags.ConsoleFlags value in argument to commands.Console
cannot use cli.ListRoles (variable of type struct{SAMLCache bool "help:\"Caches the SAML response\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CACHE_SAML\""; SAMLCacheFile string "help:\"The location of the SAML cache file\" env:\"SAML2AWS_SAML_CACHE_FILE\""}) as *flags.LoginExecFlags value in argument to commands.ListRoles
cannot use cli.Configure (variable of type struct{AppID string "help:\"OneLogin app id required for SAML assertion\" env:\"ONELOGIN_APP_ID\""; ClientID string "help:\"OneLogin client id, used to generate API access token\" env:\"ONELOGIN_CLIENT_ID\""; ClientSecret string "help:\"OneLogin client secret, used to generate API access token\" env:\"ONELOGIN_CLIENT_SECRET\""; Subdomain string "help:\"OneLogin subdomain of your company account\" env:\"ONELOGIN_SUBDOMAIN\""; MFAIPAddress string "help:\"IP address whitelisting defined in OneLogin MFA policies\" env:\"ONELOGIN_MFA_IP_ADDRESS\""; Profile string "help:\"The AWS profile to save the temporary credentials\" env:\"SAML2AWS_PROFILE\""; ResourceID string "help:\"F5APM SAML resource ID of your company account\" env:\"SAML2AWS_F5APM_RESOURCE_ID\""; CredentialsFile string "help:\"The file that will cache the credentials retrieved from AWS\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE\""; SAMLCache bool "help:\"Caches the SAML response\" env:\"SAML2AWS_CACHE_SAML\""; SAMLCacheFile string "help:\"The location of the SAML cache file\" env:\"SAML2AWS_SAML_CACHE_FILE\""; DisableSessions bool "help:\"Do not use Okta sessions\" env:\"SAML2AWS_OKTA_DISABLE_SESSIONS\""; DisableRemember bool "help:\"Do not remember Okta MFA device\" env:\"SAML2AWS_OKTA_DISABLE_REMEMBER_DEVICE\""}) as *flags.CommonFlags value in argument to commands.Configure
The process '/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/goreleaser-action/2.4.4/arm64/goreleaser' failed with exit code 1
You are using 'latest' as default version. Will lock to '~> v2'.