This repository contains a collection of scripts for training neural networks on the CIFAR dataset with various training techniques and adversarial robustness methods.
Python 3.9.12及以上版本
git clone
cd PGDtraining
Run the desired training or testing script using Python. For example, to run the basic training script:
Implements the Cutout data augmentation technique, which randomly masks out square regions of the input during training.
Related to learning rate adjustments or schedules to optimize the training process.
Implements the Mixup data augmentation technique, which creates new training examples by combining pairs of examples and their labels.
Uses the PGD (Projected Gradient Descent) method for adversarial training, enhancing the model's robustness against PGD attacks.
Tests the trained model using the FGSM (Fast Gradient Sign Method) adversarial attack to evaluate its robustness.
Tests the trained model using the PGD (Projected Gradient Descent) adversarial attack to evaluate its robustness.