Short Summary: reads JK_BMS via UART and transmits the data via CAN-BUS emulating Pylontech protocol to a Solis battery Storage inverter Inverter sees Volt, Current, SOC and Temp. Script has trivial control-loop to control actual current for charging and discharging. e.g. if the highest cell goes beyond 3.5V max-charge current gets lowered, resulting that the inverter loweres the charging power. Same holds true for the weakest cell. Depending on weakest cell voltage, allowed current-draw gets limited and finally adjusted to zero t protect the lowest cell against over-discharge.
- Most Important
- reading JK-BMS via serial UART
- pushing JK-BMS-data via CANBUS "Pylon" Protocol to a Solis Inverter
- sending some stuff to a MQTT-Broker
- reads a Goodwe-Inverter via HTTP/Sems-Portal
- will be chnaged against direct IP-connection over next time
- reads directly SMA energy-meter via IP-Socket from the network
- BMS-Features
- reduces Charging-Power to 0 Ampere of max-cell voltage >3.5V
- reduces Discharging-Power to 0 Ampaere if min-cell volatge drops below 3.0V
- counteracts if both inverters work against each other
- if Goodwe charges battery, then Solis is prohibited to discharge
- if Goodwe discharge battery, then Solis is prohibited to charge
- making good use of multiprocessing-library
- both inverters tend to produce oscialltion. ongoing work to control this via enforcing malually charge/discharge-limts on Solis
- March 2024
- added MQTT send/receive
- counteracting if mqtt-broker is not available on startup
- added to read SMA entergy-meter to read via socket
- Goodwe added
- mine very unusual setup inclides a Goodwe EM3648 as well. As I need to avoid that e.g. Goodwe discharges to allow the Solis to charge, I added major control-loops.
- Important on the Goodwe: Goodwe can be removed from the picture by setting the variable Sems_Flag = False
- actyally reading the goodwe via HPPS from Sems-Portal. Not ideal. Further work done to read directly via TCP
- added a python-script to candump all messages in human readable format (
Dear all,
project is in an very early stage. Overall purpose is self-built solar-batterie, using JK-BMS. Older JK-BMS do not support can-bus. This project is aimed to close the gap, by reading battery-stats via UART from JK-BMS and then translating to CAN-BUS using Pylontech Protocol. General speaking this script is massively using below repos from PurpleAlien and Juamiso, combines them into a single script and adds some more control-loop capabilities.
Initial tests shows it working. Use at own risk. The author is not taking any responsibility for any damage or issue resulting by making use of this project. I am still elaborating if RPI2 is good enough to get the job done. Actually working on a RPI5 which for sure is very much overpowered.
credits go to:
- Juamiso, who developed the CAN-BUS Part
- PurpleAlien, who developed the JK-UART script
- Prasath Premapalan for the can-decoding script
- by Wenger Florian [email protected] for the SMA-energy-meter
Initially I tried ti get it runnign with a RPI2. To sloppy and instable. Actually running on a RPI5, which is overpowered. S othe truth seems in the middle...
RPI5 : with wavshare can-hat and usb-serial converter
can-HW :
JK BMS : JK Smart Active Balance BMS BD6A20S10P
Solis inverter: RAI-3K-48ES-5G
create venv: apt install python3-pip
python -m venv /home/behn/jk_venv cd /home/behn/jk_venv ./bin/pip3 install cantools pyserial smbus paho.mqtt requests ./bin/pip3 install spidev python-can
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ramdisk
(jk_venv) behn@rpi5:~/jk_venv $ cat /etc/fstab .. none /mnt/ramdisk tmpfs nodev,nosuid,noexec,nodiratime,size=96M 0 0
sudo raspi-config Choose Interfacing Options -> SPI -> Yes to enable the SPI interface.
behn@rpi5:~ $ sudo vi /boot/firmware/config.txt
#can hat dtparam=spi=on #dtoverlay=mcp2515-can0,oscillator=12000000,interrupt=25,spimaxfrequency=2000000 dtoverlay=mcp2515-can1,oscillator=16000000,interrupt=25 dtoverlay=mcp2515-can0,oscillator=16000000,interrupt=23 dtoverlay=spi-bcm2835-overlay
behn@rpi5:~ $ dmesg | grep spi [ 3.602609] mcp251x spi0.0 can0: MCP2515 successfully initialized. [ 3.614747] mcp251x spi0.1 can1: MCP2515 successfully initialized.
behn@rpi2:/mnt/sda/etc/systemd/system $ cat jk_pylon.service
# copy this file into /etc/systemd/system
# replace all occurences of /home/behn/jk_pylon with your venv dir
# make the service starting after reboot: systemctl enable jk_pylon
# show status: systemctl show jk_pylon
# stop it: systemctl stop jk_pylon
# if you change this script, reload systemctl: systemctl daemon-reload
Description=Launching JK_pylon converter
#ExecStartPre=+/bin/bash -c 'ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000'
ExecStartPre=-/usr/sbin/ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
As the project does include now many different aspects, its easu to break it... Intention of below verification-steps is to test each function standalone! Shall massively help in identifying if something is non-functional
Mine setup includes both a solis and a goodwe. I need to avoid that Solis e.g. discharges to allow the goodwe charging.
actually Goodwe gets queried via HTTP Sems-Port. Suboptimal.
Test Sems-Portal via: script.
details at
Note: of course the goodwe part can be fully disabled, as the purpose of this repo is Solis/JK-BMS/Pylon
behn@rpi5:~/jk_venv $ ./
You need to make sure to edit the correct serial-number for your enery-meter
behn@rpi5:~/jk_venv $ grep serial
behn@rpi5:~/jk_venv $ python
Bezug von Grid: -10.0 W
One major comoponent is to read via Serial UART from the BMS. In mine setup the serial adapaper is attached via ttyUSB0. Change as required in the script:
Note: do not install serial module. instead install pyserial module:
./bin/pip3 install pyserial
behn@rpi5:~ $ dmesg | grep ttyUSB
[ 3.274623] usb 3-2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0
behn@rpi5:~/jk_venv $ grep USB0
bms = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0')
Executing the script shall result in "True"
behn@rpi5:~/jk_venv $ python
query the BMS
USB Serial Adpater Setting: Serial<id=0x7fff528fe3e0, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=0.2, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
Status reading the BMS: True
return values: [56, 52.28, -12.2, 23.0, 3.266, 3.27, -12.2, True]
If canbus all does fine, then the canbus dump-tool shall print something like this here
sudo ip link show can0 sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
behn@rpi5:~/jk_venv $ ./
[message('Network_alive_msg', 0x305, False, 8, None), message('Battery_Manufacturer', 0x35e, False, 8, None), message('Battery_Request', 0x35c, False, 2, {None: 'Bit 5 is designed for inverter allows battery to shut down, and able to wake battery up to charge it.Bit 4 is designed for inverter doesn`t want battery to shut down, able to charge battery before shut down to avoid low energy.'}), message('Battery_actual_values_UIt', 0x356, False, 6, None), message('Battery_SoC_SoH', 0x355, False, 4, None), message('Battery_limits', 0x351, False, 8, None), message('Battery_Error_Warnings', 0x359, False, 7, None)]
{'Alive_packet': 0}
{'SoC': 56, 'SoH': 100}
{'Manufaturer_string': 336337852752}
{'Full_charge_req': 0, 'Force_charge_req_II': 0, 'Force_charge_req_I': 0, 'Discharge_enable': 1, 'Charge_enable': 1}
{'Battery_voltage': 52.24, 'Battery_current': -14.8, 'Battery_temperature': 23.0}
{'Battery_charge_voltage': 56.0, 'Battery_charge_current_limit': 0.0, 'Battery_discharge_current_limit': 60.0, 'Battery_discharge_voltage': 51.0}
{'Overvoltage_ERR': 0, 'Undervoltage_ERR': 0, 'Overtemperature_ERR': 0, 'Undertemperature_ERR': 0, 'Overcurrent_discharge_ERR': 0, 'Charge_overcurrent_ERR': 0, 'System_Error': 0, 'voltage_high_WARN': 0, 'voltage_low_WARN': 0, 'Temperature_high_WARN': 0, 'Temperature_low_WARN': 0, 'Discharge_current_high_WARN': 0, 'Charge_current_high_WARN': 0, 'Internal_Error_WARN': 0, 'Module_numbers': 16}
{'Alive_packet': 0}
I will add more info over time. But its a good idea to clone to get hold of the required pylon_CAN_210124.dbc file. After having all python libs installed, just execute the script delivered via this repo
behn@rpi5:~/jk_venv $ ./
Logging to file: /mnt/ramdisk/jk_pylon.log
logging to console is disabled
-enable logging to console by setting variable log_to_console=True
Connected to MQTT Broker!
I gave up on trying to use venv and pip-install serial. Whenever I used venv or serial-lib via pip-install, the UART to JK-BMS failed
I solved it by making sure to install serial-library via:
sudo apt-get install python3-serial
Note: For me, trying to use pip install serial resulted in UART to BMS failing!
If the script stops, that the inverter does not have a valid can-bus coomunication and hence all charging/discharging is stopped by the inverter. Making the script a service, even reloads the scripts in case e.g. it was killed..
some good reading:
make sure to adopt your user-id in below script!
behn@rpi5:~/jk_venv $ cat /etc/systemd/system/jk_pylon.service
# copy this file into /etc/systemd/system
# replace all occurences of /home/behn/jk_pylon with your venv dir
# make the service starting after reboot: systemctl enable jk_pylon
# show status: systemctl show jk_pylon
# stop it: systemctl stop jk_pylon
# if you change this script, reload systemctl: systemctl daemon-reload
Description=Launching JK_pylon converter
User=<> # <<<< enter your user-idf here!
#ExecStartPre=+/bin/bash -c 'ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000'
ExecStartPre=-/usr/sbin/ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
Once added the script execute:
$ systemctl start jk_pylon
And automatically get it to start on boot:
$ systemctl enable jk_pylon
stopping the script
$ systemctl stop jk_pylon
Please find the connection towards JK-BMS via UART <> RPI2 via USB serial device. Make sure the USB-serial converter allows to Jumper for 3.3V!
Reads Batt_voltage, current, SOC, temperature from the JK_BMS and sends it to the Inverter with Pylon Protocol. The original script was translating the derived Current incorrectly. This is now corrected and now correct current gets reported. A very much simple charge-control loop got added. e.g. if either the cell with highest voltage or the cell with lowest voltage is crossing a treshhold, the script controls the inverter to modify charge or drawn current:
if (min_volt>=3.3): Battery_discharge_current_limit = 60 elif (min_volt>=3.1): Battery_discharge_current_limit = 50 elif (min_volt>=3.0): Battery_discharge_current_limit = 30 elif (min_volt>=2.9): Battery_discharge_current_limit = 10 elif (min_volt<2.9): Battery_discharge_current_limit = 0 else: Battery_discharge_current_limit = Battery_discharge_current_limit_default
if (not oscillation): # max_volt the limit if (max_volt>=3.55): Battery_charge_current_limit = 0 elif (max_volt>=3.50): Battery_charge_current_limit = 2 elif (max_volt>=3.47): Battery_charge_current_limit = 15 elif (max_volt>=3.45): Battery_charge_current_limit = 30 elif (max_volt>=3.0): Battery_charge_current_limit = 60 elif (max_volt>=2.7): Battery_charge_current_limit = 30
Another item I am looking into is related to mine solis-inverter. Sometimes its control-loop fails to adjust reasonable amount to charge battery, resulting in either charging thsat high that in addition to excesssolar-power, power from grid id taken. This oscialltion-counteract routine is in a very early stage though..
I am using numpy lib in mine script, which does not have a native ubuntu repo. I decided to go via python venv to run the script.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install python3-pip -y
sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev
sudo apt install python3-venv -y
as a next create the venv This creates a directory jk_pylon
python -m venv jk_pylon_venv
This article says itsa bad idea to put your project-files into same directory which holds your venv. So lets keep the venv-directory jk_pylon_venv and the project-dir jk_pylon seperated.
now copy all required files into this directory
cp pylon_CAN_210124.dbc requirements.txt ./jk_pylon/
prompt shall look like this after executing the activate : (jk_pylon)..:~/jk_pylon $
$ source jk_pylon_venv/bin/activate
(jk_pylon_venv) behn@rpi2:~ $ pwd
(jk_pylon_venv) behn@rpi2:~ $ pip3 install -r ./jk_pylon/requirements.txt
above source "source jk_pylon_venv/bin/activate" should have chnaged your prompt, indicating (jk_pylon_venv)
# change into the projct directory, required to find the pylon_CAN_210124.dbc file
(jk_pylon_venv) behn@rpi2:~ $ cd jk_pylon
# launch the script
(jk_pylon_venv) behn@rpi2:~/jk_pylon $ ./
Carrying out cyclic tests with socketcan interface
Starting to send a message every 1s
cellcount= 16
root@rpi2:/etc/systemd/system# cat jk_pylon.service
# copy this file into /etc/systemd/system
# replace all occurences of /home/behn/jk_pylon with your venv dir
# make the service starting after reboot: systemctl enable jk_pylon
# show status: systemctl show jk_pylon
# stop it: systemctl stop jk_pylon
# id you chnage this scrip[t, reload systemctl: systemctl daemon-reload
Description=Launching JK_pylon converter
ExecStart=/home/behn/jk_pylon_venv/bin/python -m jk_pylon_can