Software will trigger windows defender if not compiled yourself, this is due to it scanning through your files, especially at the speeds its supposed too
- Added case-sensitivity option
- Added default options (reworked options input internally as well)
- Added Looping upon incorrect folder path entry
- Folder (First prompt): Folder to scan (scans subfolders)
- Text (Second prompt): Text to find in folder
- Yes/No (Third prompt): Enables case senitivity for searches
- Yes/No (Fourth prompt): Counts amount of files (Disable when searching massive quantities of files)
- Yes/No (Fifth prompt): Shows file in explorer when found (Disable when expecting a large amount of found items)
- Folder (First prompt): Executable directory
- Text (Second prompt): Hello World
- Yes/No (Third prompt): Yes
- Yes/No (Fourth prompt): Yes
- Yes/No (Fifth prompt): No
Minor warning:
Due to the amount of files its reading and how fast its doing it, this will likely trigger antivirus, or at least make Antimalware Service Executable go crazy, and probably even your CPU.