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Player Controller

Andrés edited this page Mar 17, 2015 · 6 revisions

This Documentation is from a code still under heavy development, you may find errors,sudden changes or the answer to life,universe and everything

###Overview Player Controller implements all user actions (building and removing towers mainly) and the effects with other elements ([game objects](Game Objects) and map),the player controller actions should be called from the Player class

Name Version Header Implementation
Player Controller 0.7.5 player_controller.h player_controller.cpp

###Variables Private

  • map<pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>,tower_id> built_towers` all built towers positions and ids assigned in [game objects](Game Objects)

  • tower_set *towers pointer to the [tower set](Tower Set)

  • game_objects *objects pointer to [game objects](Game Objects)

  • tilemap *game_map pointer to map


  • player_controller() default constructor

  • player_controller(tower_set &towers,game_objects &objects,tilemap &game_map) full constructor


  • ~player_controller() clears all info, without destroying any spawned element

###Methods Public

  • unsigned int get_towers_size() const return number of towers in [tower set](Tower Set) (all possible towers to build)

  • set<string> get_tower_names() const returns a set with all the towers names

  • unsigned int spawned_towers() const returns the number of spawned towers

  • bool can_build(double x,double y) const return true if a tower can be built in given position (position in map is empty and the tile is correct)

  • bool build_tower(const string &name,double x,double y)` builds the tower with given name in given position

  • void remove_tower(double x,double y) removes tower in given position (if any)

  • bool is_tower(double x,double y) const return true if there is a tower in given position

  • tower* get_tower(double x,double y) returns a pointer to the tower in given position (null if there is no tower)

  • const tower *get_tower(double x,double y) const returns a const pointer to tower in given position

  • bool check() const checks the class is working properly


  • tower_id get_tower_id(double x,double y) const returns the tower id in given position

  • void remove_tower(tower_id) removes the tower with given id

  • pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> translate_position(double x,double y) const converts position in pixels to tiles (in the current map)

  • pair<double,double> translate_position(unsigned int x,unsigned int y) const converts position in tiles to pixels (in the current map), returned position will be the center of the tile

DCmC Wiki 0.7.6

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