A real-time GPU-accelerated particle sandbox. Designed a way so there's no processing done on the CPU. All particles are stored in a few float32 textures, updated and rendered using a bunch of fancy shaders. So it's blazingly fast! Simulating a few million particles at 60 FPS is a boring task even for my ancient GPU, a modern one will likely handle tens of millions.
- As GPGPU as it gets: no work on the CPU and no data transfers from/to the main memory
- Fancy post-processing: high quality multi-pass bloom filter, ACES tonemapping, etc.
- Perceptually uniform color spaces: CIELAB, CIELUV, Oklab, etc.
- Lots of simulation and rendering settings to mess around with
NOTE: must be compiled with Zig 0.12, tested only on Windows and WSL2
# build and run:
zig build run
# build in release mode:
zig build --release
# dependencies to build/run on linux:
apt install libglfw3 libglfw3-dev