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sdevin edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Data Manager


This node allows to concatenate all data usefull to supervision and publish them in appropriate topics. This concerns data which can come from several modules and which are:

  • The list of actions to do
  • The list of previous actions

For each data, the node can:

  • concatenate data from several topics (topics name in param)
  • add a data to a list (must be published on /data_manager/add_data/<data_name>)
  • remove a data to a list (must be published on /data_manager/rm_data/<data_name>)

Services and topics

Published topics

Subscribed topics


  • actions_todo_topics: list of topics to concatanate for the actions todo list (string[])
  • previous_actions_topics: list of topics to concatanate for the previous actions list (string[])