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sdevin edited this page Aug 11, 2017 · 2 revisions


This module contains the definition of all messages, services and actions used by the supervisor.



  • Goal:
  • Result:
    • report: success of the execution (bool)
    • shouldRetractRight: does the robot moves the right arm from the rest position (bool)
    • shouldRetractLeft: does the robot moves the left arm from the rest position (bool)
    • state: if failure, state of the failure (string: PREC, PLAN, EXEC or POST)
  • Feedback:
    • state: state of the action execution (string: PREC, PLAN, EXEC or POST)


HumanAction.srv: service used to simulate humans actions

  • Request:
    • agent: name of the human which should execute the action (string)
    • action: action to execute (supervisor_msgs/Action)
  • Result:


  • Request:
    • data (string)
  • Result:
    • success (bool)

EndPlan.srv: service used when the current plan is over

  • Request: broken
    • success: true if the plan succeed (bool)
    • evaluate: true if we want to allocate a specific action to an agent (bool)
    • forgiveAction: true if we want to forgive a specific action to an agent (bool)
    • objectLocked: object to lock/allocate to an agent (string)
    • agentLocked: agent used to lock/allocate (string)
  • Result:

Ask.srv: service used to ask something through dialogue

  • Request:
    • type: type of the information to ask (string: ACTION or FACT)
    • subType: type of the question to ask (string: CAN or WANT when type= ACTION)
    • receiver: agent to ask the question (string)
    • waitForAnswer: true if we should wait for the answer (bool)
    • fact: fact to ask if type=FACT (toaster_msgs/Fact)
    • action: action to ask if type=ACTION (supervisor_msgs/Action)
  • Result:
    • boolAnswer: answer to the question (bool)

GiveInfo.srv: service used to give or received an information through dialoque

  • Request:
    • toRobot: true if the robot received the information, false if it gives the information (bool)
    • partner: agent to give the information or which gives the information (string)
    • type: type of the information (string: FACT, ACTION, PLAN or GOAL)
    • fact: fact information received/given (toaster_msgs/Fact)
    • isTrue: true if the fact information is true (bool)
    • action: action information received/given (supervisor_msgs/Action)
    • actionState: state of the action (string)
    • plan: plan information received/given (supervisor_msgs/SharedPlan)
    • planState: state of the plan (string)
    • goal: goal information received/given (string)
  • Result:


Action.msg: An action is defined as:

  • name (string)
  • id (int)
  • parameters_keys (string[])
  • parameter_values (string[])
  • actors (string[])
  • precs: preconditions of the action (toaster_msgs/Fact[])
  • effects: effects of the action (toaster_msgs/Fact[])
  • succeed: for previous actions, true if the action succeed (bool)
  • headFocus: object/agent to look at each time of the action (string)
  • shouldKeepFocus: true if the action strictly require the focus of the head (bool)

ActionsList.msg: An actions list is defined as:

  • actions (supervisor_msgs/Action[])
  • changed: indicate if the msg changed compared to the previous one (bool)
  • prevId: id of the last action taken into account to compute this list (int)

Goal.msg: A goal is defined as:

GoalsList.msg: A list of goals is defined as:

  • changed: indicate if the msg changed compared to the previous one (bool)
  • currentGoal (string, NONE if no current goal)
  • goals (string[])
  • states (string[])

SharedPlan.msg: A shared plan is defined as:

Link.msg: A link is defined as:

  • origin: action to be executed first (int)
  • following: action to be executed second (int)

Info.msg: An information is defined as:

  • agent: which received/gave the information (string)
  • toRobot: true if the robot received the information, false if it gave it (bool)
  • type: type of the information (string: FACT, ACTION or GOAL)
  • fact: information of fact type (toaster_msgs/Fact)
  • isTrue: true if the fact information is true (bool)
  • action: information of action type (supervisor_msgs/Action)
  • goal: information of goal type (string)

MentalState.msg: The mental state of an agent is defined as:

  • agentName (string)
  • robotGoal: goal he thinks the robot is performing (string, NONE if no goal)
  • agentGoal: goal he thinks he is performing (string, NONE if no goal)
  • todoActions: actions he thinks they need to be done (supervisor_msgs/Action[])
  • plannedActions: actions he thinks are planned (supervisor_msgs/Action[])
  • previousActions: actions he thinks have been performed (supervisor_msgs/Action[])
  • currentRobotAction: action he thinks the robot is performing (supervisor_msgs/Action)
  • nextPrevId: id of the last action taken into account to compute the mental state (int)


  • mentalStates (supervisor_msgs/MentalState[])
  • changed: indicate if the msg changed compared to the previous one (bool)
  • prevId: id of the last action taken into account to compute the list (int)
  • infoGiven: true if an action has just been given to an agent (bool)
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